PHP code example of xincheng / launcher

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download xincheng/launcher library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


xincheng / launcher example snippets


return [
    # 设置代理类,用于初始化launcher
    'class' => common\launcher\LauncherDelegate::class,
    # 配置信息
    'properties' => [
         # 服务列表
        'services' => [
            # http 服务示例
                # 服务名称
                'name' => 'xxx', 
                # 目标服务器,可配置多个地址,目前根据随机策略方式进行访问
                'target' => [''],
                # 类型 目前仅支持 http nacos两种类型
                'type' => 'http'
                'name' => 'xxx',
                # nacos 由于自动根据配置路由所以无需填写target,默认空数组即可
                'target' => [],
                'type' => 'nacos'
        # nacos配置信息
        'nacos' => [
            # nacos host设置
            'host' => '',
            # nacos 用户名
            'username' => 'nacos',
            # nacos 密码
            'password' => 'xxxx',
            # nacos group
            'groupName' => 'DEFAULT_GROUP',
            #nacos namespace
            'namespaceId' => 'xxxx',
        #熔断器配置 只支持redis适配器 需要安装redis拓展
            # 开启 true 关闭 false
            'open' => true,
            # 设置失败率阈值为50%,当请求的失败率超过这个百分比时,熔断器的状态会切换到OPEN
            'failureRateThreshold'=> 50,
            //设置从 OPEN 状态到 HALF_OPEN 状态的转换间隔为5秒。在 HALF_OPEN 状态下,熔断器会允许一定数量的请求尝试通过,以检测服务是否已经恢复正常。
            'intervalToHalfOpen'=> 5,
            #设置最小请求数为10,这是检测失败的最小请求次数。即使失败率超过了阈值,如果请求次数低于这个最小值,熔断器仍然保持 CLOSED 状态
            'minimumRequests'=> 10,
            'timeWindow'=> 60

namespace common\launcher;

use Yii;
use yii\base\Component;
use Xincheng\Launcher\Launcher;
use yii\base\InvalidConfigException;

 * LauncherDelegate
 * @author: morgan
 * @slice : 2023-06-20 15:56:27
class LauncherDelegate extends Component
     * @var array 配置属性
    public array $properties = [];

     * @var Launcher 服务调用实例
    private Launcher $launcher;

     * 初始化
     * @return void
    public function init()
        $launcherCache  = new LauncherCache()
        $this->launcher = new Launcher($this->properties,$launcherCache);

     * 执行调用
     * @throws InvalidConfigException
    public function run($request, array $params = [], array $options = [])
        $request = Yii::createObject($request);

        $request->params = $params;
        $request->options = $options;

        return $this->launcher->run($request);

namespace common\launcher;

use Xincheng\Launcher\CacheInterface;
use Yii;

 * LauncherCache
 * @author: morgan
 * @slice : 2023-06-27 10:44:14
class LauncherCache implements CacheInterface
     * 是否存在key
     * @param string $key
     * @return bool
    public function hasKey(string $key): bool
        return Yii::$app->cache->get($key) !== false;

     * 设置缓存
     * @param string $key      key
     * @param mixed  $value    值
     * @param int    $duration 有效期(秒)
     * @return void
    public function set(string $key, $value, int $duration)
        Yii::$app->cache->set($key, $value, $duration);

     * 获取缓存
     * @param string $key
     * @return mixed
    public function get(string $key)
        return Yii::$app->cache->get($key);

     * 删除缓存
     * @param string $key key
     * @return void
    public function del(string $key)
     * 配置redis 服务熔断使用redis适配器
    public function getRedis()
        $redisConfig = \Yii::$app->components['redis'];
        $redis       = new \Redis();
        return $redis;

namespace common\launcher\request;

use Xincheng\Launcher\Request\WebBaseRequest;

 * DirectRequest
 * @author: morgan
 * @slice : 2023-06-27 09:42:40
class DirectRequest extends WebBaseRequest
    public function server(): string
        return 'xc_goods';

    public function router(): string
        return '/test.php';

    public function method(): string
        return 'GET';

     * 是否需要服务降级处理
    public function isCircuitBreakerProcess():bool
        return true;

     * 有降级服务需完成这个方法
    public function fallback(): \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface

public function init(){
    //... code
    //仅在 x-platform 不存在或 x-platform 等于 web 时进行授权认证
    if (!isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_PLATFORM']) || $_SERVER['HTTP_X_PLATFORM'] === Constants::PLATFORM_WEB) {
        // 此处的鉴权其实是非必须的,统一网关解析token后会在请求中添加 x-tenant-id、x-user-id、x-request-id、x-platform
        // 可直接通过请求头获取即可
        $login = XcAuth::login();
        define('UID', 2);
        define("UID_NAME", 'dev');
        defined('TENANT_ID') or define('TENANT_ID', $login->getTenantId());
        defined('USER_ID') or define('USER_ID', $login->getUserId());

$body = Yii::$app->launcher->run(NacosRequest::class);

echo $body->getBody();