PHP code example of xin6841414 / work-wechat-robot
1. Go to this page and download the library: Download xin6841414/work-wechat-robot library . Choose the download type require .
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards */
xin6841414 / work-wechat-robot example snippets
WORK_WECHAT_GROUP_ROBOT_DEFAULT_KEY_1=151de1af-f525****f5ea2186d4a0 //你的机器人key
use Xin6841414\WorkWechatRobot\Robot;
$robot = app('workwechatrobot');
$robot = app(Robot::class);
$response = $robot->text('测试消息');
'errcode' => 0,
'errmsg' => 'ok',
$user = [
$atAll = false ; //使用@all通知@所有人
$robot->text('今天天气真好')->mentionedAtUserId($user, $atAll)->send();
$mobile = [
$atAll = false;
$robot->text('今天天气真好')->mentionedAtMobile($mobile, $atAll)->send();
$user = [
$user = 'ZhangSan';
$markdown = $robot->setMessage('markdown')->getMessage();
$title = $markdown->setTitleContent('这是标题', 2)
$bold = $markdown->setBoldContent('此处加粗');
$wrap = $markdown->addWrap(); //换行符 \n
$url = $markdown->setUrlContent('百度', ''); //超链接
$code = $markdown->setOneLineCodeContent('我是一行代码'); //仅支持单行代码,不支持跨行代码段
$quote = $markdown->setQuoteContent('这是引用文字'); //转引用
$color = $mardown->setTextColor('我是绿色的字', 1); //这是字体颜色,仅支持仅支持绿(1),灰(2),橙红(3)
$result = $robot->markdown($title.$wrap.'我只是一行内容'.$wrap.$bold.$wrap.$url)->send();
$user = [
$user = 'ZhangSan';
$base64_data = base64_encode(file_get_contents($file)); //base64头可带可不带;
$md5 = md5_file($file); //md5值必须是转base64之前的图片计算得来
$result = $robot->image($base64_data, $md5)->send();
$title = "中秋节礼品领取";
$description = '今年中秋节公司有豪礼相送';
$url = '';
$picUrl = '';
$news = $robot->addNew($title, $url, $description = '', $picUrl = '');
$robot->addNew($title1, $url1)->addNew($title2, $url2)->send();
//最大支持添加8条图文, 大于一条的图文展示效果类似公众号消息
$media_id = '1G6nrLmr5EC3MMb_-zK1dDdzmd0p7cNliYu9V5w7o8K0';
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Xin6841414\WorkWechatRobot\ServiceProvider"
php aritsan vendor:publish 选择相应数字序号