PHP code example of xhtkyy / hyperf-tools

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download xhtkyy/hyperf-tools library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


xhtkyy / hyperf-tools example snippets

$stream = new Stream();
//支持流式 多次写入
// 记得关闭,不然还继续走 普通响应

return [
    'scan' => [
        'class_map' => [
            \Google\Protobuf\Internal\DescriptorPool::class => BASE_PATH.'/vendor/xhtkyy/hyperf-tools/class_map/protobuf/DescriptorPool.php',
            \Hyperf\Nacos\AbstractProvider::class => BASE_PATH.'/vendor/xhtkyy/hyperf-tools/class_map/nacos/AbstractProvider.php',

\Xhtkyy\HyperfTools\Grpc\Exception\GrpcError::throw("错误信息", -1);

  public function __construct(protected Xhtkyy\HyperfTools\App\ContainerInterface $container) {
  // 或者 通过声明注入
  protected Xhtkyy\HyperfTools\App\ContainerInterface

    class MessageRepo extends CURDRepo {
        protected string $model = Message::class;
    class MessageController {
        protected MessageRepo $messageRepo;
         * 获取列表
         * @return array
        public function getList(): array {
            $res = $this->messageRepo
                    "app"      => function ($query) {
                ->eqWhere("id,platform_id,app_id,channel_id,role,status,task_id") //要查询的字段 已经处理判断 请求对象中是否存在
            return $res;

Router::addServer('grpc', function () {
    // 注意添加健康检查
    Router::addGroup('/', function () {
        Router::post('/Check', [\Xhtkyy\HyperfTools\Grpc\Health\HealthController::class, 'check']);
        Router::post('/Watch', [\Xhtkyy\HyperfTools\Grpc\Health\HealthController::class, 'watch']);
        "register" => false //配置不注册到服务发现中心,默认注册

php bin/hyperf.php vendor:publish hyperf/service-governance
php bin/hyperf.php vendor:publish xhtkyy/hyperf-tools