1. Go to this page and download the library: Download xeriab/konfig library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards https://php-download.com/ */
xeriab / konfig example snippets
// Load a single file
$config = Konfig::load('konfig.json');
$config = new Konfig('konfig.json');
// Load values from multiple files
$config = new Konfig(['konfig.json', 'konfig.xml']);
// Load all supported files in a directory
$config = new Konfig(__DIR__ . '/konfig');
// Load values from optional files
$config = new Konfig(['konfig.dist.json', 'konfig.json']);
// Get value using key
$debug = $config->get('debug');
// Get value using nested key
$secret = $config->get('security.secret');
// Get a value with a fallback
$ttl = $config->get('app.timeout', 3000);
// Get value using a simple key
$debug = $config['debug'];
// Get value using a nested key
$secret = $config['security.secret'];
// Get nested value like you would from a nested array
$secret = $config['security']['secret'];
// Get all values
$data = $config->all();
$config = Konfig::load('konfig.json');
// Sample value from our konfig file
assert($config['secret'] == '123');
// Update konfig value to something else
$config['secret'] = '456';
// Reload the file
$config = Konfig::load('konfig.json');
// Same value as before
assert($config['secret'] == '123');
// This will fail
assert($config['secret'] == '456');