PHP code example of wsssoftware / laraveltoolkit

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download wsssoftware/laraveltoolkit library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


wsssoftware / laraveltoolkit example snippets

use LaravelToolkit\Facades\Flash;
use LaravelToolkit\Flash\Severity;

// You can use this severities
Flash::success('Success Test');
Flash::info('Info Test');
Flash::warn('Warn Test');
Flash::error('Error Test');
Flash::secondary('Secondary Test');
Flash::contrast('Contrast Test');

// You can pass a summary
Flash::success('Message detail', 'Success!');

// You can mark flash as closable or unclosable
Flash::success('Success Test closable')->closable();
Flash::success('Success Test unclosable')->unclosable();

// You can pass a lifetime in seconds to your flash
Flash::success('Success Test with life')->withLife(2000);

// Your message can belong to another group (renders in another primevue group)
Flash::success('Success Test in other group')->withGroup('foo_bar');

// You can test flash using
 Flash::assertFlashed(Severity::SUCCESS, 'User saved!');
 Flash::assertNotFlashed(Severity::SUCCESS, 'User saved!');

use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Inertia\Response;
use LaravelToolkit\Facades\SEO;
use LaravelToolkit\SEO\Image;

class ExampleController
     * Handle the incoming request.
    public function __invoke(Request $request): Response
        SEO::withTitle('Client Orders')
            ->withoutDescription('A long description of this page')
            ->withOpenGraphImage(new Image('public', 'seo.webp'))
            ->withTwitterCardImage(new Image('public', 'seo.webp', 'alt title'));
        // If you want to remove a property you can call methods prefixed with `without`
        return Inertia::render('Example');

use LaravelToolkit\Facades\SEO;

// Returns true if request agent is a crawler
// or
SEO::isCrawler('user agent');

// Transform a human string into a pretty wrote url string
SEO::friendlyUrlString('A example of string!')
// returns 'a-example-of-string'

use App\Models\User;
use LaravelToolkit\Facades\Sitemap;

// You can pass only url
// Or a complete info (url, last modified, change frequency and priority
Sitemap::addUrl(route('login'), today()->subDay(), ChangeFrequency::DAILY, 0.5);

// You can interact with queries or collections
Sitemap::fromQuery(User::query(), function (User $user) {
    Sitemap::addUrl(route('index.user', $user->id), $user->created_at);
Sitemap::fromCollection(collect([10, 53, 29]), function (User $user) {
    Sitemap::addUrl(route('index.user', $user->id));

// A group of sitemaps that only will return if domain matches. Other registries out from this group will be ignored
Sitemap::domain('', function () {

// An index group used for huge sitemaps with more than 50k rows or 50MB
Sitemap::index('users', function () {
    Sitemap::fromQuery(User::query(), function (User $user) {
        Sitemap::addUrl(route('index.user', $user->id), $user->created_at);
// will be accessible on `route('lt.sitemap_group', "users");`

// then to put this index on main sitemap use:
php artisan vendor:publish --tag="laraveltoolkit-config"
php artisan vendor:publish --tag="laraveltoolkit-sitemap"