PHP code example of wpfulcrum / shortcode

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download wpfulcrum/shortcode library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


wpfulcrum / shortcode example snippets

return [
     * Defines whether the shortcode should autoload when registering with Fulcrum.
     * Default is true.
    'autoload'  => true,
     * If you'd like to build your own shortcode class, specify the class name here, such as:
     * Fulcrum\Custom\Shortcode\Shortcode
     * By default, it will use the built-in Shortcode class.
    'classname' => '',

    'config'    => [
         * Specify the name of the shortcode.  This is the "tag" which is used in the content as: [foo].
        'shortcode' => 'foo',

         * Set this parameter to `true` when no view file is needed for this shortcode.
        'noView' => false,

         * Specify the absolute path to this shortcode's view file.
         * The view file contains the HTML that is built for this shortcode.
        'view'      => __DIR__ . '/views/foo.php',

         * Specify the default attributes for this shortcode.
        'defaults'  => [
            'class' => 'foobar',

<p class=" echo $this->getClass();