1. Go to this page and download the library: Download wpdesk/ups-api library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards https://php-download.com/ */
wpdesk / ups-api example snippets
$address = new \Ups\Entity\Address();
$address->setAttentionName('Test Test');
$address->setAddressLine1('Address Line 1');
$address->setAddressLine2('Address Line 2');
$address->setAddressLine3('Address Line 3');
$address->setCity('New York');
$xav = new \Ups\AddressValidation($accessKey, $userId, $password);
$xav->activateReturnObjectOnValidate(); //This is optional
try {
$response = $xav->validate($address, $requestOption = \Ups\AddressValidation::REQUEST_OPTION_ADDRESS_VALIDATION, $maxSuggestion = 15);
} catch (Exception $e) {
if ($response->noCandidates()) {
//Do something clever and helpful to let the use know the address is invalid
if ($response->isAmbiguous()) {
$candidateAddresses = $response->getCandidateAddressList();
foreach($candidateAddresses as $address) {
//Present user with list of candidate addresses so they can pick the correct one
if ($response->isValid()) {
$validAddress = $response->getValidatedAddress();
//Show user validated address or update their address with the 'official' address
//Or do something else helpful...
$quantumView = new Ups\QuantumView($accessKey, $userId, $password);
try {
// Get the subscription for all events for the last hour
$events = $quantumView->getSubscription(null, (time() - 3600));
foreach($events as $event) {
// Your code here
echo $event->Type;
} catch (Exception $e) {
$tracking = new Ups\Tracking($accessKey, $userId, $password);
$tracking->setShipperNumber('SHIPPER NUMBER');
$beginDate = new \DateTime('2016-01-01');
$endDate = new \DateTime('2016-01-31');
try {
$shipment = $tracking->trackByReference('REFERENCE NUMBER');
foreach($shipment->Package->Activity as $activity) {
} catch (Exception $e) {
$rate = new Ups\Rate(
try {
$shipment = new \Ups\Entity\Shipment();
$shipperAddress = $shipment->getShipper()->getAddress();
$address = new \Ups\Entity\Address();
$shipFrom = new \Ups\Entity\ShipFrom();
$shipTo = $shipment->getShipTo();
$shipTo->setCompanyName('Test Ship To');
$shipToAddress = $shipTo->getAddress();
$package = new \Ups\Entity\Package();
// if you need this (depends of the shipper country)
$weightUnit = new \Ups\Entity\UnitOfMeasurement;
$dimensions = new \Ups\Entity\Dimensions();
$unit = new \Ups\Entity\UnitOfMeasurement;
} catch (Exception $e) {
$rate = new Ups\RateTimeInTransit(
try {
$shipment = new \Ups\Entity\Shipment();
$shipperAddress = $shipment->getShipper()->getAddress();
$address = new \Ups\Entity\Address();
$shipFrom = new \Ups\Entity\ShipFrom();
$shipTo = $shipment->getShipTo();
$shipTo->setCompanyName('Test Ship To');
$shipToAddress = $shipTo->getAddress();
$package = new \Ups\Entity\Package();
// if you need this (depends of the shipper country)
$weightUnit = new \Ups\Entity\UnitOfMeasurement;
$dimensions = new \Ups\Entity\Dimensions();
$unit = new \Ups\Entity\UnitOfMeasurement;
$deliveryTimeInformation = new \Ups\Entity\DeliveryTimeInformation();
$pickup = new \Ups\Entity\Pickup();
} catch (Exception $e) {
$timeInTransit = new Ups\TimeInTransit($access, $userid, $passwd);
try {
$request = new \Ups\Entity\TimeInTransitRequest;
// Addresses
$from = new \Ups\Entity\AddressArtifactFormat;
$to = new \Ups\Entity\AddressArtifactFormat;
// Weight
$shipmentWeight = new \Ups\Entity\ShipmentWeight;
$unit = new \Ups\Entity\UnitOfMeasurement;
// Packages
// InvoiceLines
$invoiceLineTotal = new \Ups\Entity\InvoiceLineTotal;
// Pickup date
$request->setPickupDate(new DateTime);
// Get data
$times = $timeInTransit->getTimeInTransit($request);
foreach($times->ServiceSummary as $serviceSummary) {
} catch (Exception $e) {
$locatorRequest = new \Ups\Entity\LocatorRequest;
$originAddress = new \Ups\Entity\OriginAddress;
$address = new \Ups\Entity\AddressKeyFormat;
$geocode = new \Ups\Entity\GeoCode;
$translate = new \Ups\Entity\Translate;
$acccessPointSearch = new \Ups\Entity\AccessPointSearch;
$locationSearch = new \Ups\Entity\LocationSearchCriteria;
$unitOfMeasurement = new \Ups\Entity\UnitOfMeasurement;
try {
// Get the locations
$locator = new Ups\Locator($accessKey, $userId, $password);
$locations = $locator->getLocations($locatorRequest, \Ups\Locator::OPTION_UPS_ACCESS_POINT_LOCATIONS);
foreach($locations->SearchResults->DropLocation as $location) {
// Your code here
} catch (Exception $e) {
// Build request
$landedCostRequest = new \Ups\Entity\Tradeability\LandedCostRequest;
// Build shipment
$shipment = new \Ups\Entity\Tradeability\Shipment;
// Build product
$product = new \Ups\Entity\Tradeability\Product;
$tariffInfo = new \Ups\Entity\Tradeability\TariffInfo;
$unitPrice = new \Ups\Entity\Tradeability\UnitPrice;
$weight = new Ups\Entity\Tradeability\Weight;
$unitOfMeasurement = new \Ups\Entity\Tradeability\UnitOfMeasurement;
$quantity = new \Ups\Entity\Tradeability\Quantity;
$unitOfMeasurement = new \Ups\Entity\Tradeability\UnitOfMeasurement;
// Add product to shipment
// Query request
$queryRequest = new \Ups\Entity\Tradeability\QueryRequest;
// Build
try {
// Get the data
$api = new Ups\Tradeability($accessKey, $userId, $password);
$result = $api->getLandedCosts($landedCostRequest);
} catch (Exception $e) {
// Start shipment
$shipment = new Ups\Entity\Shipment;
// Set shipper
$shipper = $shipment->getShipper();
$shipperAddress = $shipper->getAddress();
$shipperAddress->setStateProvinceCode('XX'); // e('XX');
$shipTo = new \Ups\Entity\ShipTo();
// From address
$address = new \Ups\Entity\Address();
$shipFrom = new \Ups\Entity\ShipFrom();
// Sold to
$address = new \Ups\Entity\Address();
$soldTo = new \Ups\Entity\SoldTo;
// Set service
$service = new \Ups\Entity\Service;
// Mark as a return (if return)
if ($return) {
$returnService = new \Ups\Entity\ReturnService;
// Set description
// Add Package
$package = new \Ups\Entity\Package();
$unit = new \Ups\Entity\UnitOfMeasurement;
// Set Package Service Options
$packageServiceOptions = new \Ups\Entity\PackageServiceOptions();
// Set dimensions
$dimensions = new \Ups\Entity\Dimensions();
$unit = new \Ups\Entity\UnitOfMeasurement;
// Add descriptions because it is a package
// Add this package
// Set Reference Number
$referenceNumber = new \Ups\Entity\ReferenceNumber;
if ($return) {
} else {
// Set payment information
$shipment->setPaymentInformation(new \Ups\Entity\PaymentInformation('prepaid', (object)array('AccountNumber' => 'XX')));
// Ask for negotiated rates (optional)
$rateInformation = new \Ups\Entity\RateInformation;
// Get shipment info
try {
$api = new Ups\Shipping($accessKey, $userId, $password);
$confirm = $api->confirm(\Ups\Shipping::REQ_VALIDATE, $shipment);
var_dump($confirm); // Confirm holds the digest you need to accept the result
if ($confirm) {
$accept = $api->accept($confirm->ShipmentDigest);
var_dump($accept); // Accept holds the label and additional information
} catch (\Exception $e) {