1. Go to this page and download the library: Download wp-media/wp-imagify-partner library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards https://php-download.com/ */
wp-media / wp-imagify-partner example snippets
define( 'EXAMPLE_IMAGIFY_PARTNER_ID' , 'test' );
add_action( 'plugins_loaded', 'example_plugin_init' );
* Init.
function example_plugin_init() {
if ( ! is_admin() ) {
add_action( 'admin_menu', 'example_plugin_menu' );
* Add a submenu.
function example_plugin_menu() {
add_submenu_page( 'options-general.php', 'Example Plugin', 'Example Plugin', 'install_plugins', 'example-plugin', 'example_plugin_page' );
* The plugin page displaying a link to install Imagify plugin.
function example_plugin_page() {
echo '<div class="wrap">';
echo '<h1>Example Plugin</h1>';
echo '<div class="card"><p>';
if ( Imagify_Partner::is_imagify_activated() ) {
// Imagify is activated, the user only needs to set the API key (the 3 steps banner should be displaying).
if ( Imagify_Partner::is_success() ) {
_e( 'Imagify has been successfully activated.', 'example-plugin' );
} else {
_e( 'Imagify is already activated.', 'example-plugin' );
} else {
$imagify = new Imagify_Partner( EXAMPLE_IMAGIFY_PARTNER_ID );
if ( Imagify_Partner::is_imagify_installed() ) {
$button_text = __( 'Activate Imagify', 'example-plugin' );
} else {
$button_text = __( 'Install and activate Imagify', 'example-plugin' );
echo '<a class="button-primary" href="' . esc_url( $imagify->get_post_install_url() ) . '">' . $button_text . '</a>';
echo '</p></div>';
echo '</div>';
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Before you can download the PHP files, the dependencies should be resolved. This can take some minutes. Please be patient.