PHP code example of workofstan / mycms

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download workofstan/mycms library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


workofstan / mycms example snippets

$MyCMS = new \WorkOfStan\MyCMS\MyCMS(
        // compulsory
        'logger' => $logger, // object \Psr\Log\LoggerInterface

//Finish with Latte initialization & Mark-up output
$MyCMS->renderLatte(DIR_TEMPLATE_CACHE, "\\vendor\\ProjectName\\Latte\\CustomFilters::common", $params);

    protected $searchColumns = [
        'product' => ['id', 'name_#', 'content_#'], // "#" will be replaced by current language

    protected $clientSideResources = [
        'js' => [
            'scripts/admin.js?v=' . PAGE_RESOURCE_VERSION,
        'css-pre-admin' => [
        'css' => [
            'styles/admin.css?v=' . PAGE_RESOURCE_VERSION,

new Controller(['requestUri' => $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']])
│   // request URI is set in multiple places
│   ->requestUri
│   ->projectSpecific->requestUri
│   ->friendlyUrl->requestUri
│   ->friendlyUrl->projectSpecific->requestUri
│   ->result['template'] = TEMPLATE_DEFAULT
│   └── $controller->MyCMS->template = $this->result['template'];
│   │
│   └───$controller->friendlyUrl
│       └── ->determineTemplate(['REQUEST_URI' => $this->requestUri]) // returns mixed string with name of the template when template determined, array with redir field when redirect, bool when default template SHOULD be used
│            ├── ->friendlyIdentifyRedirect(['REQUEST_URI' => $this->requestUri]) // returns mixed 1) bool (true) or 2) array with redir string field or 3) array with token string field and matches array field (see above)
│            │   ├──if $token === self::PAGE_NOT_FOUND
│            │   │    └──$this->MyCMS->template = self::TEMPLATE_NOT_FOUND
│             <──────── @return true
│                 ├──FORCE_301
│                 │    ├── ->friendlyfyUrl(URL query) // returns string query key of parse_url, e.g  var1=12&var2=b
│                 │    │   └── ->switchParametric(`type`, `value`) // project specific request to database returns mixed null (do not change the output) or string (URL - friendly or parametric)
│                 │    │        └──If something new calculated, then
│             <────────────── @return redirWrapper(URL - friendly or parametric)
│                 │    └── if !isset($matches[1]) && ($this->language != DEFAULT_LANGUAGE) // no language subpatern and the language isn't default
│             <─────────── @return 302 redirWrapper(languageFolder . interestingPath) // interestingPath is part of PATH beyond applicationDir
│                 ├──REDIRECTOR_ENABLED
│                 │    └──if old_url == interestingPath (=part of PATH beyond applicationDir)
│             <─────────── @return redirWrapper(new_path)
│                 └──If there are more (non language) folders, the base of relative URLs would be incorrect, therefore
│             <──────── @return **redirect** either to a base URL with query parameters or to a 404 Page not found
│             <──── @return [token, matches]
│         <──── @return array with redir field when redirect || bool when default template SHOULD be used
│            │
│            ├──[token, matches]
│            ├──loop through $myCmsConf['templateAssignementParametricRules'] and if $this->get[`type`] found:
│         <────── @return template || `TEMPLATE_NOT_FOUND` (if invalid `value`)
│            │
│            └── ->pureFriendlyUrl(['REQUEST_URI' => $this->requestUri], $token, $matches); //FRIENDLY URL & Redirect calculation where $token, $matches are expected from above
│                       ├──default scripts and language directories all result into the default template
│             <─────────── @return self::TEMPLATE_DEFAULT
│         <──── @return self::TEMPLATE_DEFAULT
│                       │
│                       └── ->findFriendlyUrlToken(token) // project specific request to database @return mixed null on empty result, false on database failure or one-dimensional array [id, type] on success
│                            │                              If there is a pure friendly URL, i.e. the token exactly matches a record in content database, decode it internally to type=id
│                            │                              SQL statement searching for $token in url_LL column of table(s) with content pieces addressed by FriendlyURL tokens
│                            │                              Overide the method if the default UNION on tables, where relevant types are stored, isn't sufficient
│                            │   spoof $this->get[$found['type']] = $this->get['id'] = $found['id']
│             <────────────── @return $this->determineTemplate(['REQUEST_URI' => $this->requestUri]) RECURSION
│             <─────────── @return null
│         <──── null => @return self::TEMPLATE_NOT_FOUND
│   <──── redir or continue with calculated $controller->MyCMS->template