PHP code example of wored / haixiao-sdk
1. Go to this page and download the library: Download wored/haixiao-sdk library . Choose the download type require .
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards */
wored / haixiao-sdk example snippets
use \Wored\HangZhouHaiXiaoSdk\HaiXiaoSdk;
$config = [
'userid' => 'testhxecm1',
'password' => '0123456789012345',
'rootUrl' => '',
'debug' => true,
// 实例化海销sdk
$haixiao = new HaiXiaoSdk($config);
$order['request'] = [
'deliveryOrder' => [
'deliveryOrderCode' => time(),//出库单号/订单号, string (50) , 必填
'preDeliveryOrderCode' => '',//原出库单号(ERP分配), string (50) , 条件必填,条件为换货出库
'preDeliveryOrderId' => '',//原出库单号(WMS分配), string (50) , 条件必填,条件为换货出库
'orderType' => 'JYCK',//出库单类型, string (50) , 必填, JYCK=一般交易出库单, HHCK=换货出库单, BFCK=补发出库单,QTCK=其他出库单
'warehouseCode' => 'OTHER',//仓库编码, string (50),必填 ,统仓统配等无需ERP指定仓储编码的情况填OTHER
'orderFlag' => 'COD',//订单标记 ,用字符串格式来表示订单标记列表: 比如COD, 中间用“^”来隔开,string (200) , COD =货到付款 , LIMIT=限时配送 , PRESELL=预售 , COMPLAIN=已投诉 , SPLIT=拆单, EXCHANGE=换货, VISIT=上门 , MODIFYTRANSPORT=是否可改配送方式, 是否可改配送方式 默认可更改 , CONSIGN =物流宝代理发货, 自动更改发货状态 SELLER_AFFORD =是否卖家承担运费 默认是, 即没 , FENXIAO=分销订单
'expressCode' => '',//运单号, string (50)
'logisticsAreaCode' => '',//快递区域编码, 大头笔信息, string (50)
'senderInfo' => [
'company' => '',//公司名称, string (200)
'name' => '',//姓名, string (50)
'zipCode' => '',//邮编, string (50)
'tel' => '',//固定电话, string (50)
'mobile' => '',//移动电话, string (50)
'email' => '',//电子邮箱, string (50)
'countryCode' => '',//国家二字码,string(50)
'province' => '',//省份, string (50)
'city' => '',//城市, string (50)
'area' => '',//区域, string (50)
'town' => '',//村镇, string (50)
'detailAddress' => '',//详细地址, string (200)
'receiverInfo' => [
'company' => '',//公司名称, string (200)
'name' => 'test',//姓名, string (50) , 必填
'zipCode' => '',//邮编, string (50)
'tel' => '',//固定电话, string (50)
'mobile' => '13123456789',//移动电话, string (50) , 必填
'idType' => 1,//收件人证件类型,string (50), 1-身份证 2-军官证 3-护照 4-其他
'idNumber' => '412829399933330293',//收件人证件号码,string (50)
'email' => '',//电子邮箱, string (50)
'countryCode' => '',//国家二字码,string(50)
'province' => '河南省',//省份, string (50) , 必填
'city' => '郑州市',//城市, string (50) , 必填
'area' => '郑东新区',//区域, string (50) , 必填
'town' => '',//村镇, string (50)
'detailAddress' => '',//详细地址, string (200) , 必填
'isUrgency' => '',//是否紧急, Y/N, 默认为N
'invoiceFlag' => '',//是否需要发票, Y/N, 默认为N
'insuranceFlag' => '',//是否需要保险, Y/N, 默认为N
'buyerMessage' => '',//买家留言, string (500)
'sellerMessage' => '',//卖家留言, string (500)
'buyerName' => 'test',//买家真实姓名 , 必填
'buyerIdType' => 1,//买家证件类型 , 必填,string (50), 1-身份证 2-军官证 3-护照 4-其他
'buyerIdNumber' => '412829399933330293',//买家证件号码 , 必填,string (50)
'orderTaxAmount' => 9.1,//订单税款 , 必填
'payCompanyCode' => 'test',//支付公司编码 , 必填
'remark' => '',//备注,string(500)
'orderLines' => [
'orderLine' => [
'orderLineNo' => 0,//单据行号,string(50)
'sourceOrderCode' => '',//交易平台订单, string (50)
'subSourceOrderCode' => '',//交易平台子订单编码, string (50)
'payNo' => '',//支付平台交易号, string(50), 淘系订单传支付宝交易号
'ownerCode' => '',//货主编码, string (50)
'itemCode' => 'test',//商品编码, string (50) , 必填
'itemId' => 'test',//仓储系统商品编码, string (50) ,条件必填
'inventoryType' => '',//库存类型,string (50) , ZP=正品, CC=残次,JS=机损, XS= 箱损, ZT=在途库存,默认为查所有类型的库存
'itemName' => 'XXXXXX',//商品名称, string (200)
'extCode' => 'XXXXXX',//交易平台商品编码, string (50)
'planQty' => 1,//应发商品数量, int, 必填
'retailPrice' => 100,//零售价, double (18, 2) , 零售价=实际成交价+单件商品折扣金额
'actualPrice' => 100,//实际成交价, double (18, 2) , 必填,未税价
'discountAmount' => 0,//单件商品折扣金额, double (18, 2)
'batchCode' => '',//批次编码, string (50)
'productDate' => '',//生产日期,string(10),YYYY-MM-DD
'expireDate' => '',//过期日期,string(10),YYYY-MM-DD
$refundOrder = [
'request' => [
'warehouseCode' => 'OTHER',//仓库编码, string (50),必填 ,统仓统配等无需ERP指定仓储编码的情况填OTHER
'ownerCode' => '',//货主编码, string (50)
'orderCode' => time(),//单据编码, string (50) ,必填
'orderId' => 'test',//仓储系统单据编码, string (50) ,条件必填
'orderType' => 'JYCK',//单据类型, JYCK= 一般交易出库单,HHCK= 换货出库 ,BFCK= 补发出库 PTCK=普通出库单,DBCK=调拨出库 ,B2BRK=B2B入库,B2BCK=B2B出库,QTCK=其他出库, SCRK=生产入库,LYRK=领用入库,CCRK=残次品入库,CGRK=采购入库 ,DBRK= 调拨入库 ,QTRK= 其他入库 ,XTRK= 销退入库,THRK=退货入库,HHRK= 换货入库 ,CNJG= 仓内加工单 ,CGTH=采购退货出库单
'cancelReason' => '',//取消原因, string (500)