1. Go to this page and download the library: Download woohoolabs/yang library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards https://php-download.com/ */
woohoolabs / yang example snippets
use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Request;
use WoohooLabs\Yang\JsonApi\Request\JsonApiRequestBuilder;
// Instantiate an empty PSR-7 request, note that the default HTTP method must be provided
$request = new Request('GET', '');
// Instantiate the request builder
$requestBuilder = new JsonApiRequestBuilder($request);
// Setup the request with general properties
->setHeader("Accept-Charset", "utf-8");
// Setup the request with JSON:API specific properties
->setJsonApiFields( // To define sparse fieldset
"users" => ["first_name", "last_name"],
"address" => ["country", "city", "postal_code"]
->setJsonApiIncludes( // To include related resources
["address", "friends"]
->setJsonApiIncludes( // Or you can pass a string instead
->setJsonApiSort( // To sort resource collections
["last_name", "first_name"]
->setJsonApiPage( // To paginate the primary data
["number" => 1, "size" => 100]
->setJsonApiFilter( // To filter the primary data
["first_name" => "John"]
->addJsonApiAppliedProfile( // To add a profile to the request (JSON:API 1.1 feature)
->addJsonApiRequestedProfile( // To request the server to apply a profile (JSON:API 1.1 feature)
->addJsonApiRequiredProfile( // To
use Http\Adapter\Guzzle6\Client;
// Instantiate the Guzzle HTTP Client
$guzzleClient = Client::createWithConfig([]);
// Instantiate the syncronous JSON:API Client
$client = new JsonApiClient($guzzleClient);
// Send the request syncronously to retrieve the response
$response = $client->sendRequest($request);
// Instantiate the asyncronous JSON:API Client
$client = new JsonApiAsyncClient($guzzleClient);
// Send the request asyncronously to retrieve a promise
$promise = $client->sendAsyncRequest($request);
// Send multiple request asyncronously to retrieve an array of promises
$promises = $client->sendConcurrentAsyncRequests([$request, $request]);
// Instantiate a JSON:API response object from a PSR-7 response object with the default deserializer
$response = new JsonApiResponse($psr7Response);
// Checks if the response doesn't contain any errors
$isSuccessful = $response->isSuccessful();
// Checks if the response doesn't contain any errors, and has the status codes listed below
$isSuccessful = $response->isSuccessful([200, 202]);
// The same as the isSuccessful() method, but also ensures the response contains a document
$isSuccessfulDocument = $response->isSuccessfulDocument();
// Checks if the response contains a JSON:API document
$hasDocument = $response->hasDocument();
// Retrieves and deserializes the JSON:API document in the response body
$document = $response->document();
// Retrieves the "jsonapi" member as a JsonApiObject instance
$jsonApi = $document->jsonApi();
$jsonApiVersion = $jsonApi->version();
$jsonApiMeta = $jsonApi->meta();
// Checks if the document has the "meta" member
$hasMeta = $document->hasMeta();
// Retrieves the "meta" member as an array
$meta = $document->meta();
// Checks if the document has any links
$hasLinks = $document->hasLinks();
// Retrieves the "links" member as a DocumentLinks object
$links = $document->links();
// Checks if the document has any errors
$hasErrors = $document->hasErrors();
// Counts the number of errors in the document
$errorCount = $document->errorCount();
// Retrieves the "errors" member as an array of Error objects
$errors = $document->errors();
// Retrieves the first error as an Error object or throws an exception if it is missing
$firstError = $document->error(0);
// Checks if the document contains a single resource as its primary data
$isSingleResourceDocument = $document->isSingleResourceDocument();
// Checks if the document contains a collection of resources as its primary data
$isResourceCollectionDocument = $document->isResourceCollectionDocument();
// Checks if the document contains any primary data
$hasPrimaryData = $document->hasAnyPrimaryResources();
// Returns the primary resource as a ResourceObject instance if the document is a single-resource document
// or throws an exception otherwise or when the document is empty
$primaryResource = $document->primaryResource();
// Returns the primary resources as an array of ResourceObject instances if the document is a collection document
// or throws an exception otherwise
$primaryResources = $document->primaryResources();
// Checks if there are any
// Checks if the "self" link is present
$hasSelf = $links->hasSelf();
// Returns the "self" link as a Link object or throws an exception if it is missing
$selfLink = $links->self();
// Checks if the "related" link is present
$hasRelated = $links->hasRelated();
// Returns the "related" link as a Link object or throws an exception if it is missing
$relatedLink = $links->related();
// Checks if the "first" link is present
$hasFirst = $links->hasFirst();
// Returns the "first" link as a Link object or throws an exception if it is missing
$firstLink = $links->first();
// Checks if the "last" link is present
$hasLast = $links->hasLast();
// Returns the "last" link as a Link object or throws an exception if it is missing
$lastLink = $links->last();
// Checks if the "prev" link is present
$hasPrev = $links->hasPrev();
// Returns the "prev" link as a Link object or throws an exception if it is missing
$prevLink = $links->prev();
// Checks if the "next" link is present
$hasNext = $links->hasNext();
// Returns the "next" link as a Link object or throws an exception if it is missing
$nextLink = $links->next();
// Checks if a specific link is present
$hasLink = $links->hasLink("next");
// Returns a specific link as a Link object or throws an exception if it is missing
$link = $links->link("next");
// Checks if the there is any profile defined
$hasProfiles = $links->hasAnyProfiles();
// Retrieves the profiles as an array of ProfileLink objects
$profiles = $links->profiles();
// Checks if there is a specific profile defined
$hasProfile = $links->hasProfile("https://example.com/profiles/last-modified");
// Retrieves a specific profile as a ProfileLink object
$profile = $links->profile("https://example.com/profiles/last-modified");
// Returns the "id" member of the error
$id = $firstError->id();
// Checks if the error has the "meta" member
$hasMeta = $firstError->hasMeta();
// Retrieves the "meta" member as an array
$meta = $firstError->meta();
// Checks if the error has any links
$hasLinks = $firstError->hasLinks();
// Retrieves the "links" member as an ErrorLinks object
$links = $firstError->links();
// Returns the "status" member
$status = $firstError->status();
// Returns the "code" member
$code = $firstError->code();
// Returns the "title" member
$title = $firstError->title();
// Returns the "detail" member
$detail = $firstError->detail();
// Checks if the error has the "source" member
$hasSource = $firstError->hasSource();
// Returns the "source" member as an ErrorSource object
$source = $firstError->source();
// Returns the type of the resource
$type = $primaryResource->type();
// Returns the id of the resource
$id = $primaryResource->id();
// Checks if the resource has the "meta" member
$hasMeta = $primaryResource->hasMeta();
// Returns the "meta" member as an array
$meta = $primaryResource->meta();
// Checks if the resource has any links
$hasLinks = $primaryResource->hasLinks();
// Returns the "links" member as a ResourceLinks object
$links = $primaryResource->links();
// Returns the attributes of the resource as an array
$attributes = $primaryResource->attributes();
// Returns the ID and attributes of the resource as an array
$idAndAttributes = $primaryResource->idAndAttributes();
// Checks if the resource has a specific attribute
$hasFirstName = $primaryResource->hasAttribute("first_name");
// Returns an attribute of the resource or null if it is missing
$firstName = $primaryResource->attribute("first_name");
// Returns an attribute of the resource or the default value if it is missing
$lastName = $primaryResource->attribute("last_name", "");
// Returns all relationships of the resource as an array of Relationship objects
$relationships = $primaryResource->relationships();
// Checks if the resource has a specific relationship
$hasAddress = $primaryResource->hasRelationship("address");
// Returns a relationship of the resource as a Relationship object or throws an exception if it is missing
$relationship = $primaryResource->relationship("address");
// Checks if it is a to-one relationship
$isToOneRelationship = $relationship->isToOneRelationship();
// Checks if it is a to-many relationship
$isToManyRelationship = $relationship->isToManyRelationship();
// Returns the name of the relationship
$name = $relationship->name();
// Checks if the relationship has the "meta" member
$hasMeta = $relationship->hasMeta();
// Returns the "meta" member of the relationship as an array
$meta = $relationship->meta();
// Returns the "links" member of the relationship as a RelationshipLinks object
$links = $relationship->links();
// Returns the first resource linkage of the relationship as an array (e.g.: ["type" => "address", "id" => "123"])
// or null if there isn't any related data
$resourceLinkage = $relationship->firstResourceLink();
// Returns the resource linkage as an array of array (e.g.: [["type" => "address", "id" => "123"]])
$resourceLinkage = $relationship->resourceLinks();
// Checks if a specific resource object is
// Check if hydration is possible
if ($document->hasAnyPrimaryResources() === false) {
// Hydrate the document to an stdClass
$hydrator = new ClassDocumentHydrator();
$dog = $hydrator->hydrateSingleResource($response->document());
// Check if hydration is possible
if ($document->isSingleResourceDocument()) {
// Hydrate the document to an array of stdClass
$hydrator = new ClassDocumentHydrator();
$dogs = $hydrator->hydrateCollection($response->document());
// Instantiate a PSR-7 request
$request = new Request();
// Instantiate your custom serializer
$mySerializer = new MyCustomSerializer();
// Instantiate the request builder with a custom serializer
$requestBuilder = new JsonApiRequestBuilder($request, $mySerializer);
use Http\Adapter\Guzzle7\Client;
// Instantiate the Guzzle HTTP Client
$guzzleClient = Client::createWithConfig([]);
// Instantiate your custom deserializer
$myDeserializer = new MyCustomDeserializer();
// Instantiate the syncronous JSON:API Client with a custom deserializer
$syncClient = new JsonApiClient($guzzleClient, $myDeserializer);
// Instantiate the asyncronous JSON:API Client with a custom deserializer
$asyncClient = new JsonApiAsyncClient($guzzleClient, $myDeserializer);
// Instantiate a JSON:API response from a PSR-7 response with a custom deserializer
$response = new JsonApiResponse($psr7Response, new MyCustomDeserializer());
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