PHP code example of wnx / laravel-backup-restore

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download wnx/laravel-backup-restore library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


wnx / laravel-backup-restore example snippets

return [

     * Health checks are run after a given backup has been restored.
     * With health checks, you can make sure that the restored database contains the data you expect.
     * By default, we check if the restored database contains any tables.
     * You can add your own health checks by adding a class that extends the HealthCheck class.
     * The restore command will fail, if any health checks fail.
    'health-checks' => [

namespace App\HealthChecks;

use Wnx\LaravelBackupRestore\PendingRestore;
use Wnx\LaravelBackupRestore\HealthChecks\HealthCheck;

class MyCustomHealthCheck extends HealthCheck
    public function run(PendingRestore $pendingRestore): Result
        $result = Result::make($this);

        // We assume that your app generates sales every day.
        // This check ensures that the database contains sales from yesterday.
        $newSales = \App\Models\Sale::query()
            ->whereBetween('created_at', [

        // If no sales were created yesterday, we consider the restore as failed.
        if ($newSales === false) {
            return $result->failed('Database contains no sales from yesterday.');

        return $result->ok();

    'health-checks' => [

vendor/bin/testbench backup:restore --disk=remote
php artisan vendor:publish --tag="backup-restore-config"
php artisan backup:restore