PHP code example of wisnubaldas / datatables

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download wisnubaldas/datatables library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


wisnubaldas / datatables example snippets



    use Ozdemir\Datatables\DB\MySQL;

    $config = [ 'host'     => 'localhost',
                'port'     => '3306',
                'username' => 'homestead',
                'password' => 'secret',
                'database' => 'sakila' ];

    $dt = new Datatables( new MySQL($config) );

    $dt->query('Select film_id, title, description from film');

    echo $dt->generate();

    use Ozdemir\Datatables\DB\SQLite;

    $path = __DIR__ . '/../path/to/database.db';
    $dt = new Datatables( new SQLite($path) );

    $dt->query('Select id, name, email, age, address, plevel from users');

    $dt->edit('id', function($data){
        // return a link.
        return "<a href='user.php?id=" . $data['id'] . "'>edit</a>";

    $dt->edit('email', function($data){
        // mask email : [email protected] => m***
        return preg_replace('/(?<=.).(?=.*@)/u','*', $data['email']);

    $dt->edit('address', function($data){
        // check if a user has authorized to see the column value.
        $current_user_plevel = 4;
        if ($current_user_plevel > 2 && $current_user_plevel > $data['plevel']) {
            return $data['address'];

        return 'you are not authorized to view this column';
    $dt->hide('plevel'); // hide 'plevel' column from the output

    $dt->add('action', function($data){
        // return a link in a new column
        return "<a href='user.php?id=" . $data['id'] . "'>edit</a>";

    $dt->filter('age', function (){
        // applies custom filtering.
        return $this->between(15, 30);

    echo $dt->generate()->toJson(); // same as 'echo $dt->generate()';