PHP code example of winex01 / backpack-filter

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download winex01/backpack-filter library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


winex01 / backpack-filter example snippets



//line 51

class EntityCrudController extends CrudController
    use \Winex01\BackpackFilter\Http\Controllers\Operations\FilterOperation;

    // method setup....

    public function setupFilterOperation()
            'name' => 'status',
            'label' => __('Status'),
            'type' => 'select',
            'options' => [
                1 => 'Connected',
                2 => 'Disconnected'
            'wrapper' => [
                'class' => 'form-group col-md-6'

            'name' => 'date_range',
            'label' => __('Date Range'),
            'type' => 'date_range',
            // although this is a custom field, you can still use the wrapper and attribute here

public function setupListOperation()
    // if you use this method closure, validation is automatically applied.
    $this->filterQueries(function ($query) {
        $status = request()->input('status');
        $dates = request()->input('date_range');

        if ($status) {
            $query->where('status_id', $status);

        if ($dates) {
            $dates = explode('-', $dates);
            //$query->where... your clause here or scope.

    // some code here... add column etc...

public function filterValidations()
    // If no access to filters, then don't proceed but don't show an error.
    if (!$this->crud->hasAccess('filters')) {
        return false;

    // if you dont want to use validator and want to use request file, modify below, up to you.

    $validationErrors = [];

    // validator here.

    if (!empty($validationErrors)) {
        return redirect()->back();

    return redirect()->back()->withInput(request()->input());

// crud controller
class UserCrudController extends CrudController
    use \Winex01\BackpackFilter\Http\Controllers\Operations\ExportOperation;

    // Optional: if you dont want to use the entity/export or user/export convention you can override the export route:
    public function exportRoute()
        return route('test.export');; // if you define a route here then it will use instead of the auto

    // setup method...