PHP code example of wiltongarcia / validation

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download wiltongarcia/validation library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


wiltongarcia / validation example snippets

"resultsystems/validation": "~1.0"

composer update

'providers' => array(

// Rules
$rules = array(
    'cpf'                   => 'cpf',
    'cpf_mascara'           => 'cpf_mascara',
    'cnpj'                  => 'cnpj',
    'cnpj_mascara'          => 'cnpj_mascara',
    'cnpj_cpf'              => 'cnpj_cpf',
    'cnpj_cpf_mascara'      => 'cnpj_cpf_mascara',
    'cnpj_cpf_zero'         => 'cnpj_cpf_zero',
    'cnpj_cpf_zero_mascara' => 'cnpj_cpf_zero_mascara',
    'telefone'              => 'telefone',
    'telefone_mascara'      => 'telefone_mascara',
    'celular'               => 'celular',
    'celular_mascara'       => 'celular_mascara',
    'hora'                  => 'hora',
    'domain'                => 'domain',
    'directory'             => 'directory',
    'FileExists'            => 'FileExists',
    'isFile'                => 'file',
    'endsWith'              => 'endsWith:banana',
    'equals'                => 'equals:banana',
    'even'                  => 'even',
    'float'                 => 'float',
    'graph'                 => 'graph',
    'instance'              => 'instance:DateTime',
    'int'                   => 'int',
    'json'                  => 'json',
    'leapDate'              => 'leapDate:Y-m-d',
    'leapYear'              => 'leapYear',
    'arr'                   => 'arr',
    'lowercase'             => 'lowercase',
    'macAddress'            => 'macAddress',
    'multiple'              => 'multiple:3',
    'negative'              => 'negative',
    'noWhitespace'          => 'noWhitespace',
    'notArray'              => 'arr|not',
    'nullValue'             => 'nullValue',
    'numeric'               => 'numeric',
    'object'                => 'object',
    'odd'                   => 'odd',
    'perfectSquare'         => 'perfectSquare',
    'positive'              => 'positive',
    'primeNumber'           => 'primeNumber',
    'punct'                 => 'punct',
    'readable'              => 'readable',
    'regex'                 => 'regex:/5/',
    'roman'                 => 'roman',
    'slug'                  => 'slug',
    'space'                 => 'space:b',
    'tld'                   => 'tld', // Top Level Domain,
    //'uploaded'            => 'uploaded',
    'uppercase'             => 'uppercase',
    'version'               => 'version',
    'xdigit'                => 'xdigit', // Hexadecimal
    'writable'              => 'writable',
    'alwaysValid'           => 'alwaysValid',
    'bool'                  => 'bool'

// Data
$data = array(
    'cpf'                   => '22205417118',
    'cpf_mascara'           => '222.054.171-18',
    'cnpj'                  => '68518321000116',
    'cnpj_mascara'          => '68.518.321/0001-16',
    'cnpj_cpf'              => '22205417118', // ou 68518321000116
    'cnpj_cpf_zero'         => '22205417118', // ou 68518321000116 ou 00000000000 ou 00000000000000
    'cnpj_cpf_zero_mascara' => '222.054.171-18', // ou 68518321000116 ou 00000000000 ou 00000000000000
    'telefone'              => '3430353637',
    'telefone_mascara'      => '34 3035-3637',
    'celular'               => '4191234567',
    'celular_mascara'       => '41 9123-4567',
    'hora'                  => '18:40',
    'condicional'             => '