PHP code example of wilsonglasser / spout

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download wilsonglasser/spout library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


wilsonglasser / spout example snippets

$worksheet = $writer->getCurrentSheet();

$rowStyle = (new StyleBuilder())
$writer->addRow(new Row([new Cell('Hello World')], $rowStyle));

// Specific size
    new ColumnDimension('A', 50 )

// Autosize 
$worksheet->addColumnDimension(new ColumnDimension(

$worksheet = $writer->getCurrentSheet();

$Cell = new Cell('=A1', null);

$originalValue = 100.0;
$value = 'R$'.number_format($originalValue, 2,',','.');
$style = (new StyleBuilder())
        ->setNumberFormat(new NumberFormat('0 - "' . $value . '"'))
$Cell = new Cell($value, $style);
// date
$styleMonthYear =  (new StyleBuilder())
    ->setNumberFormat(new NumberFormat('MM/YYYY'))

$worksheet = $writer->getCurrentSheet();
    new Comment('A1', 'My comment', 'Comment user, null for nothing')

// echo 0
echo CellHelper::getColumnToIndexFromCellIndex('A1');