PHP code example of widgetsburritos / webpagetest

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download widgetsburritos/webpagetest library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


widgetsburritos / webpagetest example snippets

use WidgetsBurritos\WebPageTest\WebPageTest;

$wpt = new WebPageTest('YOUR_API_KEY');

if ($response = $wpt->runTest('')) {
  if ($response->statusCode == StatusCode::OK) {
    // All test info is available in $response->data.
    $test_id = $response->data->testId;

$options = [
  'label' => 'My Test Label',
  'noimages' => 1,
  'mobile' => 1,

if ($response = $wpt->runTest('', $options)) {
  if ($response->statusCode == StatusCode::OK) {
    // All test info is available in $response->data.
    $test_id = $response->data->testId;

if ($response = $wpt->getTestStatus($test_id)) {
  // All test info is available in $response->data.
  if ($response->statusCode == StatusCode::OK) {
    // Test is complete.
  else if ($response->statusCode == StatusCode::CONTINUING) {
    // Test is running.
  else if ($response->startCode == StatusCode::SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS) {
    // Test is waiting to start.
  else if ($response->statusCode == StatusCode::PAYMENT_REQUIRED) {
    // Test has been cancelled.
  else {
    // Test failed.

if ($response = $wpt->getTestResults($test_id)) {
  // All test result info is available in $response->data.
  if ($response->statusCode == StatusCode::OK) {
    // Test is complete.
  else if (in_array($response->statusCode, [StatusCode::CONTINUING, StatusCode::SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS])) {
    // Test is not yet complete.
  else {
    // Test failed.

if ($response = $wpt->getLocations()) {
  if ($response->statusCode == StatusCode::OK) {
    // All locations info is available in $response->data.


use WidgetsBurritos\WebPageTest\WebPageTest;

$wpt = new WebPageTest('YOUR_API_KEY', $handler);

use WidgetsBurritos\WebPageTest\WebPageTest;

$wpt = new WebPageTest('YOUR_API_KEY', $handler, '');