PHP code example of whtht / perfectly-cache

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download whtht/perfectly-cache library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


whtht / perfectly-cache example snippets

namespace App;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

use Whtht\PerfectlyCache\Traits\PerfectlyCachable;

class User extends Model
    use PerfectlyCachable;

// config('perfectly-cache.(name)')
// Eq: config('perfecyly-cache.enabled')
return [

    "enabled" => true, // Is cache enabled? cache for production --> !env('APP_DEBUG', false)

    "minutes" => 1, // Cache minutes.

     * If this event is triggered on this model,
     * the cache of that table is deleted.
    "clear_events" => [

// Basic cache
$results = \App\Category::find($id);

// Basic cache skip
$results = \App\Category::skipCache()->find($id);

// Basic usage with eager load
$results = \App\Category::with("_list_category_tags")->find($id);

// Basic cache skip usage with eager load
$results = \App\Category::with("^_list_category_tags")->find($id);

    // ->skipCache();
    $result = Category::select("id", "name")->skipCache()->get();

    * Thanks to the ^ sign, you can prevent your relationships from being cached.
    $results = Category::select("id", "name")->with([
    * It will no longer be hidden in the cache for the tag table of the categories.

namespace App;

class Category extends BaseModel
    /* Cache disabled by this variable */
    protected $isCacheEnable = false;

namespace App;

class Module extends BaseModel
    protected $table = "modules";

    protected $cacheMinutes = 20; // Now cache time 20 minutes.

$modules = \App\Module::remember(10)->select("id", "name")->get();

$modules = \App\Module::with([
])->select("id", "name")->get();
// Categories will be cached for 10 minutes.

$module = Module::select("id", "name", "need_cache_reload")->first();
if($module->need_cache_reload) { // simple true value

$modules2 = Module::select("id", "name")
    ->where("created_time_unix", ">=", time())

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Whtht\PerfectlyCache\Providers\PerfectlyCacheServiceProvider"

"minutes" => 30,