PHP code example of whikloj / bagittools

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download whikloj/bagittools library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


whikloj / bagittools example snippets

use \whikloj\BagItTools\Bag;

$dir = "./newbag";

// Create new bag as directory $dir
$bag = Bag::create($dir);

// Add a file
$bag->addFile('../', 'data/documentation/');

// Add another algorithm

// Get the algorithms
$algos = $bag->getAlgorithms();
var_dump($algos); // array(
                  //   'sha512',
                  //   'sha1',
                  // )

// Add a fetch url
$bag->addFetchFile('', 'data/mywebsite.html');

// Add some bag-info tags
$bag->addBagInfoTag('Contact-Name', 'Jared Whiklo');
$bag->addBagInfoTag('CONTACT-NAME', 'Additional admins');

// Check for tags.
if ($bag->hasBagInfoTag('contact-name')) {

    // Get tags
    $tags = $bag->getBagInfoByTag('contact-name');
    var_dump($tags); // array(
                     //    'Jared Whiklo',
                     //    'Additional admins',
                     // )

    // Remove a specific tag value using array index from the above listing.
    $bag->removeBagInfoTagIndex('contact-name', 1); 

    // Get tags
    $tags = $bag->getBagInfoByTag('contact-name');

    var_dump($tags); // array(
                     //    'Jared Whiklo',
                     // )

    $bag->addBagInfoTag('Contact-NAME', 'Bob Saget');
    // Get tags
    $tags = $bag->getBagInfoByTag('contact-name');
    var_dump($tags); // array(
                     //    'Jared Whiklo',
                     //    'Bob Saget',
                     // )
    // Without the case sensitive flag as true, you must be exact.
    $bag->removeBagInfoTagValue('contact-name', 'bob saget');
    $tags = $bag->getBagInfoByTag('contact-name');

    var_dump($tags); // array(
                     //    'Jared Whiklo',
                     //    'Bob Saget',
                     // )

    // With the case sensitive flag set to false, you can be less careful
    $bag->removeBagInfoTagValue('contact-name', 'bob saget', false);
    $tags = $bag->getBagInfoByTag('contact-name');

    var_dump($tags); // array(
                     //    'Jared Whiklo',
                     // )

    // Remove all values for the specified tag.

// Write the bag to the specified path and filename using the expected archiving method.

use \whikloj\BagItTools\Bag;

$dir = "./newbag";

// Create new bag as directory $dir
$bag = Bag::create($dir);
// Add a profile by URL
// or add a profile by JSON

// Add a file
$bag->addFile('../', 'data/documentation/');

// Add another algorithm

// Write the bag to the specified path and filename using the expected archiving method.