PHP code example of wester / chunk-upload

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download wester/chunk-upload library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


wester / chunk-upload example snippets

// You don't need this line in laravel or some other frameworks.

try {
    $chunk = new Chunk([
        'name' => 'video', // same as    $_FILES['video']
        'chunk_size' => 4000, // must be equal to the value specified on the client side

        // Driver
        'driver' => 'local', // [local, ftp]

        // Local driver details
        'local_driver' => [
            'path' => __DIR__ . '/uploads/', // where to upload the final file
            'tmp_path' => __DIR__ . '/uploads/temp/', // where to store the temp chunks

        // FTP driver details
        'ftp_driver' => [
            'server' => '',
            'username' => '',
            'password' => '',

            'path' =>  '/uploads/', // where to upload the final file
            'tmp_path' => '/uploads/temp/', // where to store the temp chunks

        // File details
        'file_name' => Chunk::RANDOM_FILE_NAME,
        'file_extension' => Chunk::ORIGINAL_FILE_EXTENSION,

        // File validation
        'validation' => ['extension:mp4,avi'],


    if ($chunk->isLast()) {

        // done
    } else {
            'progress' => $chunk->getProgress()

} catch (ValidationException $e) {
        'message' => $e->getMessage(),
        'data' => $e->getErrors(),
} catch (\Exception $e) {

'driver' => 'ftp',

    'driver' => \My\Custom\Drivers\DriverName::class,
    'custom_driver' => [
        'path' =>  '/uploads/',
        'tmp_path' => '/uploads/temp/',


    namespace My\Custom\Drivers;

    class DriverName implements \Wester\ChunkUpload\Drivers\Contracts\DriverInterface
        public function open() {};
        public function close() {};
        public function store($fileName) {};
        public function delete() {};
        public function move() {};
        public function increase() {};
        public function prevExists() {};
        public function exists() {};


    // If an exception is caught...


    $chunk->header->chunkSize; // equal to: x-chunk-size 

    'validation' => ['extension:mp4,avi']

    'validation' => ['size:237492']

    'validation' => ['min:10000']

    'validation' => ['max:90000']

    'min' => [
        'numeric' => 'The :attribute must be at least :min.',
        'file' => 'The :attribute must be at least :min kilobytes.',
    'max' => [
        'numeric' => 'The :attribute may not be greater than :max.',
        'file' => 'The :attribute may not be greater than :max kilobytes.',
    'size' => [
        'numeric' => 'The :attribute must be :size.',
        'file' => 'The :attribute must be :size kilobytes.',
    'mimes' => 'The :attribute must be a file of type: :values.',

    'attributes' => [
        'x-file-name' => 'file',
        'x-file-size' => 'file',