PHP code example of wernerwa / pat-template

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download wernerwa/pat-template library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


wernerwa / pat-template example snippets

$tmpl = new patTemplate();


$tmpl = new patTemplate();

$tmpl = new patTemplate();
$tmpl->addVar('page', 'NAME', 'Stephan');

$tmpl->addVar('page', 'NAME', array('Stephan', 'Sebastian'));

$vars = array(
    'GREETING' => 'Guten Tag',
    'NAME'     => 'Stephan'
$tmpl->addVars('page', $vars);

$vars = array(
    'GREETING' => array('Guten Tag', 'Bonjour'),
    'NAME'     => array('Stephan', 'Sebastian')
$tmpl->addVars('page', $vars);

$vars = array(
    'GREETING' => 'Hello',
    'NAME'     => array('Stephan', 'Sebastian')
$tmpl->addVars('page', $vars);

$data = array(
    array('name' => 'Stephan Schmidt', 'id' => 'schst'),
    array('name' => 'Sebastian Mordziol', 'id' => 'argh'),
    array('name' => 'Gerd Schaufelberger', 'id' => 'gerd')

$tmpl = new patTemplate();
$tmpl->addRows('entry', $data, 'USER_');

class User {
    public $id;
    public $name;
    public function __construct($id, $name) {
        $this->id = $id;
        $this->name = $name;

$schst = new User('schst', 'Stephan Schmidt');

$tmpl = new patTemplate();
$tmpl->addObject('user-info', $schst, 'USER_');

class User {

    private $id;
    private $name;
    public function __construct($id, $name) {
        $this->id = $id;
        $this->name = $name;
    * This method will be invoked by patTemplate if the
    * object is passed to addObject()
    public function getVars() {
        return array(
            'id'   => $this->id,
            'name' => $this->name

$tmpl = new patTemplate();
$tmpl->setOption('allowFunctionsAsDefault', true);

$tmpl = new patTemplate();
$tmpl->addVar('header', 'TITLE', 'Page title');

$tmpl = new patTemplate();


$tmpl = new patTemplate();

$tmpl = new patTemplate();
if (userIsLoggedIn()) {
  $user = array(
             'ID'   => getUserId(),
             'NAME' => getUserName()
  $tmpl->addVars('user-info', $user, 'USER_');

$tmpl = new patTemplate();
if (userIsLoggedIn()) {
  $user = array(
             'ID'   => getUserId(),
             'NAME' => getUserName()
  $tmpl->addGlobalVars($user, 'USER_');

$tmpl = new patTemplate();
if (userIsLoggedIn()) {
  $user = array(
             'ID'   => getUserId(),
             'NAME' => getUserName(),
             'TYPE' => getUserType()
  $tmpl->addGlobalVars($user, 'USER_');

$tmpl = new patTemplate();
$tmpl->setOption('allowFunctionsAsDefault', true);

$tmpl = new patTemplate();
$tmpl->readTemplatesFromInput('MyTemplates.tmpl', 'File');

$tmpl = new patTemplate();
$tmpl->setRoot('/path/to/templates', 'File');

$string = '<patTemplate:tmpl name="string">This template has been parsed from a string `<patTemplate:tmpl name="too">`, as well as this.</patTemplate:tmpl></patTemplate:tmpl>';

$tmpl = new patTemplate();
$tmpl->readTemplatesFromInput( $string, 'String' );

tmpl = new patTemplate();
$tmpl->setRoot('mysql://root:@localhost/test', 'DB');

$tmpl->readTemplatesFromInput("SELECT content FROM templates WHERE id='foo'", 'DB');

$tmpl->readTemplatesFromInput('templates[@id=foo]/@content', 'DB');


$tmpl = new patTemplate();
$tmpl->addVar( 'page', 'multiline', 'This contains
breaks...' );
$tmpl->addVar( 'page', 'birthday', '1974-05-12' );


$tmpl = new patTemplate();

$tmpl = new patTemplate();

$tmpl->useTemplateCache('File', array(
                                  'cacheFolder' => './tmplCache',
                                  'lifetime'    => 10,
                                  'filemode'    => 0644

$tmpl = new patTemplate();
$options = array(
             'output-xhtml' => true,
             'clean'        => true
$tmpl->applyOutputFilter('Tidy', $options);

$tmpl = new patTemplate();



// Will not strip whitespace
$html = $tmpl->getParsedTemplate('page');

// Will strip whitespace
$compressed = $tmpl->getParsedTemplate('page', true);


$tmpl = new patTemplate();


$tmpl->setNamespace(array('MyNamespace', 'pat'));

$tmpl = new patTemplate();
$tmpl->setBasedir( "templates" );
$tmpl->readTemplatesFromFile( "superherolist.tmpl" );

$db = DB::connect('mysql://user:pass@localhost/myDb');

$query = "SELECT id, superhero, real_name FROM secretIdentities ORDER BY superhero";
$result = $db->getAll($query, DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC);
$tmpl->addRows( "list_entry", $result);


// data to display
$data = array(
    array( "real_name" => "Clark Kent",    "superhero" => "Superman" ),
    array( "real_name" => "Bruce Wayne",   "superhero" => "Batman" ),
    array( "real_name" => "Kyle Rayner",   "superhero" => "Green Lantern" ),
    array( "real_name" => "Wally West",    "superhero" => "The Flash" ),
    array( "real_name" => "Linda Danvers", "superhero" => "Supergirl" ),
// number of columns per row
$cols  = 3;

// calculate number of rows
$rows = ceil(count($data)/$cols);
$counter = 0;

// loop for each row
for ($i = 0; $i < $rows; $i++) {
  // clear cells from last row
  $tmpl->clearTemplate( "cell" );

  // put data for one row in a new array 
  $rowData = array();
  for ($j = 0; $j < $cols; $j++) {
    if (isset($data[$counter]))
      array_push($rowData, $data[$counter++]);
  // add the data of one row to the cells
  $tmpl->addRows( "cell", $rowData );
  // parse this row and append the data to previously parsed rows 
  $tmpl->parseTemplate( "row", "a" );

$tmpl->readTemplatesFromFile( "myTemplate.tmpl" );

if( $knowSecret ** "yes" )
  $tmpl->setAttribute( "secret", "visibility", "visible" );

$tmpl->displayParsedTemplate( "page" );

$tmpl->readTemplatesFromFile( "myTemplate.tmpl" );

$defaultId =  19;

$query     =  "SELECT id, superhero FROM heroes ORDER BY superhero";
$result    =  mysqli_query($link, $query);

$entries   =  array();
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result, MYSQLI_ASSOC)) {
  // determine, whether entry should be selected by default
  if( $row["id"] ** $defaultId )
    $row["selected"]  =  "yes";
    $row["selected"]  =  "no";

  // add the entry to all other entries
  array_push( $entries, $row );
// add all entries to the drop down menu
$tmpl->addRows( "dropdown_entry", $entries );
// display the page
$tmpl->displayParsedTemplate( "page" );

 * patTemplate modfifier Truncate
 * @package        patTemplate
 * @subpackage     Modifiers
 * @author        Stephan Schmidt <[email protected]>
class patTemplate_Modifier_Truncate extends patTemplate_Modifier
    * truncate the string
    * @param     string       value
    * @param     array        value
    * @return    string       modified value
    public function modify( $value, $params = array() )
         * no length specified
        if( !isset( $params['length'] ) )
			return $value;

         * is shorter than the length
        if( $params['length'] > strlen( $value ) )
			return $value;

        return substr( $value, 0, $params['length'] ) . '...';

 * patTemplate Reader that reads from a file
 * @package       patTemplate
 * @subpackage    Readers
 * @author        Stephan Schmidt <[email protected]>
class patTemplate_Reader_File extends patTemplate_Reader
    * reader name
    * @var        string
    protected $_name ='File';

    * read templates from any input 
    * @final
    * @param    string    file to parse
    * @param    array     options, not implemented in current versions, but future versions will allow passing of options
    * @return    array    templates
    public function readTemplates($input, $options = array())
        $this->_currentInput = $input;
        $fullPath  = $this->_resolveFullPath( $input );
        $content   = file_get_contents( $fullPath );

        $templates = $this->parseString( $content );
        return $templates;

    * resolve path for a template
    * @param    string        filename
    * @return   string        full path
    private function _resolveFullPath( $filename )
        $baseDir  = $this->_options['root'];
        $fullPath = $baseDir . '/' . $filename;
        return $fullPath;

 * patTemplate StripWhitespace output filter
 * Will remove all whitespace and replace it with a single space.
 * @package       patTemplate
 * @subpackage    Filters
 * @author        Stephan Schmidt <[email protected]>
class patTemplate_OutputFilter_StripWhitespace extends patTemplate_OutputFilter
    * filter name
    * @abstract
    * @var    string
    protected    $_name    =    'StripWhitespace';

    * remove all whitespace from the output
    * @param    string        data
    * @return   string        data without whitespace
    public function apply( $data )
        $data = str_replace( "\n", ' ', $data );
        $data = preg_replace( '/\s\s+/', ' ', $data );
        return $data;

$tmpl = new patTemplate();
$tmpl->setRoot( 'templates' );
$tmpl->applyOutputFilter( 'StripWhitespace' );

$tmpl->readTemplatesFromInput( 'page.tmpl', 'File' );

 * output filter will be applied here

 * patTemplate StripComments input filter
 * Will remove all HTML comments.
 * @package        patTemplate
 * @subpackage    Filters
 * @author        Stephan Schmidt <[email protected]>
class patTemplate_InputFilter_StripComments extends patTemplate_InputFilter
    * filter name
    * @var    string
    protected $_name = 'StripComments';

    * compress the data
    * @param     string        data
    * @return    string        data without whitespace
    public function apply($data) {
        $data = preg_replace('°<!--.*-->°msU', '', $data);
        return $data;

$tmpl = new patTemplate();

$tmpl->readTemplatesFromInput('page.tmpl', 'File');

 * output filter will be applied here

 * patTemplate function that calculates the current time
 * or any other time and returns it in the specified format.
 * @package       patTemplate
 * @subpackage    Functions
 * @author        Stephan Schmidt <[email protected]>
class patTemplate_Function_Time extends patTemplate_Function
    * name of the function
    * @var       string
    protected $_name = 'Time';

    * call the function
    * @param     array    parameters of the function (= attributes of the tag)
    * @param     string   content of the tag
    * @return    string   content to insert into the template
    public function call( $params, $content )
        if( !empty( $content ) )
            $params['time'] = $content;
        if( isset( $params['time'] ) )
            $params['time'] = strtotime( $params['time'] );
            $params['time'] = time();
        return date( $params['format'], $params['time'] );

$tmpl = new patTemplate();
$tmpl->setRoot( 'templates' );

 * Use a template cache based on file system
$tmpl->useTemplateCache( 'File', array(
                                        'cacheFolder' => './tmplCache',
                                        'lifetime' => 60 )

$tmpl->readTemplatesFromInput( 'page.tmpl', 'File' );


 * patTemplate Template cache that stores data on filesystem
 * Possible parameters for the cache are:
 * - cacheFolder : set the folder from which to load the cache
 * - lifetime : seconds for which the cache is valid, if set to auto, it will check
 *   whether the cache is older than the original file (if the reader supports this)
 * @package       patTemplate
 * @subpackage    Caches
 * @author        Stephan Schmidt <[email protected]>
class patTemplate_TemplateCache_File extends patTemplate_TemplateCache
    * parameters of the cache
    * @var        array
    protected $_params = array(
                         'cacheFolder' => './cache',
                         'lifetime'       => 'auto'

    * load template from cache
    * @param    string           cache key
    * @param    integer          modification time of original template
    * @return   array|boolean    either an array containing the templates or false cache could not be loaded
    public function load( $key, $modTime = -1 )
        $filename = $this->_getCachefileName( $key );
        if( !file_exists( $filename ) || !is_readable( $filename ) )
            return false;

        $generatedOn = filemtime( $filename );
        $ttl         = $this->getParam( 'lifetime' );
        if( $ttl ** 'auto' )
            if( $modTime < 1 )
                return false;
            if( $modTime > $generatedOn )
                return false;
            return unserialize( file_get_contents( $filename ) );
        elseif( is_int( $ttl ) )
            if( $generatedOn + $ttl < time() )
                return false;
            return unserialize( file_get_contents( $filename ) );
        return false;
    * write template to cache
    * @param     string        cache key
    * @param     array         templates to store
    * @return    boolean       true on success
    public function write( $key, $templates )
        $fp = @fopen( $this->_getCachefileName( $key ), 'w' );
        if( !$fp )
            return false;
        flock( $fp, LOCK_EX );
        fputs( $fp, serialize( $templates ) );
        flock( $fp, LOCK_UN );
        return true;
    * get the cache filename
    * @param    string        cache key
    * @return   string        cache file name
    private function _getCachefileName( $key )
        return $this->getParam( 'cacheFolder' ) . '/' . $key . '.cache';
<patTemplate:tmpl name="page">
  Hello {NAME}.<br/>
<patTemplate:tmpl name="page">
  {GREETING} {NAME}.<br/>
<patTemplate:tmpl name="page">
  Here is your main content.

  <patTemplate:tmpl name="user-info" type="simpleCondition" 
<patTemplate:tmpl name="header">
  <h1>My Superhero database</h1>
<patTemplate:tmpl name="root">
This is a template that is used to display code.

$i = 0;
while( $i < 10 )
  echo "This is line $i.<br />";