PHP code example of weforks / tencentcloud-sdk-php
1. Go to this page and download the library: Download weforks/tencentcloud-sdk-php library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards */
weforks / tencentcloud-sdk-php example snippets
use TencentCloud\Cvm\V20170312\Models\DescribeInstancesRequest;
use TencentCloud\Common\Exception\TencentCloudSDKException;
use TencentCloud\Common\Credential;
try {
// 为了保护密钥安全,建议将密钥设置在环境变量中或者配置文件中。
// 硬编码密钥到代码中有可能随代码泄露而暴露,有安全隐患,并不推荐。
// $cred = new Credential("SecretId", "SecretKey");
$cred = new Credential(getenv("TENCENTCLOUD_SECRET_ID"),
$client = new CvmClient($cred, "ap-guangzhou");
$req = new DescribeInstancesRequest();
$resp = $client->DescribeInstances($req);
catch(TencentCloudSDKException $e) {
echo $e;
$httpProfile = new HttpProfile();
$clientProfile = new ClientProfile();
$client = new OcrClient($cred, 'ap-beijing', $this->clientProfile);
use TencentCloud\Common\Profile\RegionBreakerProfile;
// 开启地域容灾
// 设置主备节点,以cvm产品为例,假设主节点在上海,备节点在北京,则配置如下
$regionBreakerProfile = new RegionBreakerProfile(
"", // 主节点
"" // 备节点
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