PHP code example of weezqyd / http-adapters

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download weezqyd/http-adapters library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


weezqyd / http-adapters example snippets


$options = [
	    // Base URI is used with relative requests
	    'base_uri' => '',
	    // You can set any number of default request options.
	    'timeout'  => 2.0,
	    // Pass your custom headers
	    'headers' => [
	    	'Authorization' => 'your access token',
	    	'X-Foo' => 'Bar'
// create an adapter with the options
$adapter = new GuzzleHttpAdapter($options);

// make a get request with the adapter
$response = $adapter->get('get?adappter=GuzzleAdapter');
	"args": {
		 "adappter": "GuzzleAdapter"
	"headers": {
		 "headers": {
			 "Authorization": "your access token",
			 "X-Foo": "Bar",
			 "Connection": "close", 
			 "Host": "", 
			 "User-Agent": "GuzzleHttp/6.2.1 curl/7.47.0 PHP/7.1.6"
	"origin": "", 
	"url": ""