PHP code example of weew / url

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download weew/url library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


weew / url example snippets

// protocol://username:[email protected]:port/path?key=value#fragment

// https://john:[email protected]:8080/my/path?query=value&some=value#hashtag

$url = new Url('http://username:[email protected]:80/some/path?query=value#fragment');

echo $url->getProtocol();
// http

echo $url->getHost();

echo $url->getDomain();
// domain

echo $url->getSubdomain();
// subdomain

echo $url->getTLD();
// com

echo $url->getPort();
// 80

echo $url->getPath();
// /some/path

echo $url->getQuery();
// query=value

echo $url->getFragment();
// fragment

echo $url->getUsername();
// username

echo $url->getPassword();
// password


// or

$url->getQuery()->set('some', 'value');

echo $url;
// https://john:[email protected]:8080/my/path/here?query=value&some=value#hashtag

$url = new Url('users/1');
// true

$url = new Url('users');
// false

$url = new Url('users/1');
// true

$url = new Url('users');
// true

$url = new Url('users/1');
// true
$url->match('users/{id}', [
    'id' => '[0-9]+',

$url = new Url('users/abc');
// false
$url->match('users/{id}', [
    'id' => '[0-9]+',

$url = new Url('users/1');
$dictionary = $url->parse('users/{id}');
// 1

$url = new Url('{subdomain}{id}/profile');
$url->replace('subdomain', 'api');
$url->replace('id', 1);

// or 
$url->replaceAll(['subdomain' => 'api', 'id' => 1]);
