PHP code example of weew / error-handler

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download weew/error-handler library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


weew / error-handler example snippets

$errorHandler = new ErrorHandler();

// enable exception handling

// enable handling of recoverable php errors

// enable handling of fatal php errors

// enable handling of recoverable and fatal php errors

// enable handling of exceptions, recoverable and fatal php errors


// is this kind of error recoverable or not

// get error type (E_WARNING, E_STRICT, etc.)

// get error message

// get error file

// get error line

$errorHandler = new ErrorHandler();
$errorHandler->addRecoverableErrorHandler(function(IError $error) {
    return true;

$errorHandler = new ErrorHandler();
$errorHandler->addFatalErrorHandler(function(IError $error) {
    return true;

$errorHandler = new ErrorHandler();
$errorHandler->addErrorHandler(function(IError $error) {
    if ($error->isRecoverable()) {
        return true;

class CustomErrorHandler implements INativeErrorHandler {
    public function handle(IError $error) {
        return true;

$errorHandler = new ErrorHandler();
$errorHandler->addErrorHandler(new CustomErrorHandler());

$errorHandler = new ErrorHandler();
$errorHandler->addExceptionHandler(function(HttpException $ex) {
    return true;

class CustomExceptionHandler implements IExceptionHandler {
    public function supports(Exception $ex) {
        return $ex instanceof HttpException;

    public function handle(HttpException $ex) {
        return true;

$errorHandler = new ErrorHandler();
$errorHandler->addExceptionHandler(new CustomExceptionHandler());

$errorHandler = new ErrorHandler();

// or

$errorHandler = new ErrorHandler(true);

$errorHandler->addExceptionHandler(function(WarningException $ex){
    return true;

$errorHandler->addExceptionHandler(function(IErrorException $ex) {
    // all kinds of php errors (E_WARNING, E_STRICT, etc.) can now be handled
    // here in form of an exception
    return true;

// get numeric representation of the error type (E_WARNING, E_STRICT, etc.)

// get error message

// get error file

// get error line

// check wether the error was recoverable or not