PHP code example of webx / ioc

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download webx/ioc library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


webx / ioc example snippets

    use WebX\Ioc\Ioc;
    use WebX\Ioc\Util\Bootstrap;   //Ready to use bootstrapper.

    class ClassA implements InterfaceA {}

    $ioc = Bootstrap::ioc();

    $a = $ioc->get(InterfaceA::class);
    // objectA - instance of classA (implements InterfaceA).
    $a2 = $ioc->get(InterfaceA::class);
    echo($a===$a2); // true

    class ClassA implements InterfaceA {}
    class ClassAB implements InterfaceA, InterfaceB {}

    $ioc = Bootstrap::ioc();

    $allA = $ioc->getAll(InterfaceA::class);
    // [objectA,objectAB] - array of all instances of InterfaceA.

    $allB = $ioc->getAll(InterfaceB::class);
    // [objectAB] - array of all instances of InterfaceB.

    class ClassAB implements InterfaceA,InterfaceB {}

    $ioc = Bootstrap::ioc();

    $a = $ioc->get(InterfaceA::class);
    $b = $ioc->get(InterfaceB::class);
    echo($a===$b); // true

    class ClassA implements InterfaceA {}

    $a = new ClassA(); // Instantiated outside the container.
    $ioc = Bootstrap::ioc();

    $a2 = $ioc->get(InterfaceA::class);
    echo($a===$a2); // true

    $config = [
        "id" => (string)"someId",
        // Unique id (per interface type) for the registered instance.
        "parameters" => (array) [
            "constructorParam1" => (string)
            "constructorParamN" => (string)
            //If constructor parameter is
            array and the value is string it will be used as interface-type-hint for resolving instances of type.
            class and the value is string it will be used as id to find class instance
            else the value will be set for the contructor param
        "factory" => (Closure) control instantiation by a dependency injection supported Closure.
            //Ex: function(IA $resolvedInstance) {
            //  return new ClassA($resolvedInstance)
            //Note: "parameters" are supported for factory closure arguments.
        "class" => bool //If the container should also publish the instance by it's class name


    class ClassA implements InterfaceA {}

    $ioc = Bootstrap::ioc();

    $a1 = $ioc->get(InterfaceA::class,"id1");
    $a2 = $ioc->get(InterfaceA::class,"id2");
    echo($a1 !== $a2); // true

    class ClassA implements InterfaceA {}

    $ioc = Bootstrap::ioc();

    $a1 = $ioc->get(ClassA::class);
    echo($a1 instanceof ClassA); // true

    class ClassA implements InterfaceA {}

    class ClassB implements InterfaceB {

        public $a;

        public function __construct(InterfaceA $paramA) {
            $this->a = $a;

    $ioc = Bootstrap::ioc();
    $a1 = new ClassA();
    $a2 = new ClassA();

    //Causes the constructor param 'paramA' of class 'ClassB' to use instance 'id2'

    $b = $ioc->get(InterfaceB::class);
    echo($a2 === $b->a); // true

    class ClassA implements InterfaceA {

        public $someVar;
        public $b;

        public function __construct($someVar,InterfaceB $b) {
            $this->someVar = $someVar;
            $this->b = $b;


    $ioc = Bootstrap::ioc();

    $a = $ioc->get(InterfaceA::class);
    echo($a->someVar); // "someValue"

    class ClassA implements InterfaceA {}

    class ClassB implements InterfaceB {}

    $ioc = Bootstrap::ioc();
    $ioc->register(InterfaceA::class, ["factory" => function(InterfaceB $b){ //Scans the concrete class
                                                                         //ClassA for interfaces
        return new ClassA($b);
    $a = $ioc->get(InterfaceA::class);

    class ClassA implements InterfaceA {

        public function __construct() {}

        public function sayWhat() {
            return "Here I am!";

    class ClassB  {

        private $a;

        public function __constructor(InterfaceA $a) {
            $this->a = $a;
        public function saySomething() {
            return $this->a->sayWhat;

    $ioc = Bootstrap::ioc();

    $b = $ioc->instantiate(ClassB::class);
    echo($a->saySomething()); // "Here I am!"

    class ClassA implements InterfaceA {

        public function __construct() {}

        public function sayWhat() {
            return "Here I am!";

    $ioc = Bootstrap::ioc();

    $result = $ioc->invoke(function(InterfaceA $a) {
        return $a->sayWhat();
    echo($result); // "Here I am!"

    class ClassA implements InterfaceA {
        private $b;
        private $currency;

        public function __construct(InterfaceB $b, $currency="EUR") {
        //$b is automatically resolved by the container (ClassB is registered).
        //$currency is not an interface and will be resolved by the resolver function
            $this->b = $b;
            $this->currency = $currency;
        public function currency() {
            return $currency;

    // Will be invoked whenever the container needs
    // to resolve an non-resolvable parameter.
    $resolver = function(IocNonResolvable $nonResolvable, Ioc $ioc) {
        if($param->name()==='currency') {
            return "USD";

    $iocWithResolver = Bootstrap::ioc();
    $a = $iocWithResolver->get(InterfaceA::class);
    //Returns ClassA's resolved value for $currency "USD"

    $ioc = Bootstrap::ioc();
    $a = $ioc->get(InterfaceA::class);
    //Returns ClassA's default value for $currency "EUR"