PHP code example of webrium / foxdb

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download webrium/foxdb library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


webrium / foxdb example snippets

use Foxdb\DB;
use Foxdb\Config;

DB::addConnection('main', [



use Foxdb\DB;

$users = DB::table('users')->get();

foreach ($users as $user) {
    echo $user->name;

$user = DB::table('users')->where('name', 'Jack')->first();
return $user->email;

$email = DB::table('users')->where('name', 'John')->value('email');

$user = DB::table('users')->find(3);

$user = User::find(3);
 $user->name = 'Tom';
 $user->save(); // update name

$user = User::where('phone', '09999999999')->find();

 $user->phone = '09999999998';
 $user->save(); // update user phone number

use Foxdb\DB;
$titles = DB::table('users')->pluck('title');
foreach ($titles as $title) {
    echo $title;

$titles = DB::table('users')->pluck('title', 'name');
foreach ($titles as $name => $title) {
    echo $title;

use Foxdb\DB;
DB::table('users')->orderBy('id')->chunk(100, function ($users) {
    foreach ($users as $user) {

DB::table('users')->orderBy('id')->chunk(100, function ($users) {
    // Process the records...
    return false;

use Foxdb\DB;
DB::table('users')->orderBy('id')->each(function ($user) {

$page = 1;

$list = DB::table('posts')
        ->paginate(10, $page);

$list->total; // The total number of rows
$list->count; // The number of rows received on the current page
$list->per_page; // The number of rows to display on each page
$list->prev_page; // Previous page number. If not available, its value is false
$list->next_page; // next page number. If not available, its value is false
$list->current_page; // Current page number
$list->data; // List of data rows

use Foxdb\DB;
$users = DB::table('users')->count();
$price = DB::table('orders')->max('price');

$price = DB::table('orders')
                ->where('finalized', 1)

if (DB::table('orders')->where('finalized', 1)->exists()) {
    // ...
if (DB::table('orders')->where('finalized', 1)->doesntExist()) {
    // ...

use Foxdb\DB;
$users = DB::table('users')
            ->select('name', 'email as user_email')
 // Or you can send as an array
 $users = DB::table('users')
            ->select(['name', 'email as user_email'])

$users = DB::table('users')

$users = DB::table('users')
             ->select(DB::raw('count(*) as user_count, status'))
             ->where('status', '<>', 1)

$users = DB::table('users')

$orders = DB::table('orders')
                ->whereRaw('price > IF(state = "TX", ?, 100)', [200])

$orders = DB::table('orders')
                ->select('department', DB::raw('SUM(price) as total_sales'))
                ->havingRaw('SUM(price) > ?', [2500])

use Foxdb\DB;
$users = DB::table('users')
            ->join('contacts', '', '=', 'contacts.user_id')
            ->join('orders', '', '=', 'orders.user_id')
            ->select('users.*', '', 'orders.price')

$users = DB::table('users')
        ->select('users.*', 'orders.price')
        ->join('orders.user_id', '')

$users = DB::table('users')
            ->leftJoin('posts', '', '=', 'posts.user_id')

$users = DB::table('users')
            ->rightJoin('posts', '', '=', 'posts.user_id')

$sizes = DB::table('sizes')

$users = DB::table('users')
                ->where('votes', '=', 100)
                ->where('age', '>', 35)

$users = DB::table('users')->where('votes', 100)->get();

$users = DB::table('users')
                ->where('votes', '>=', 100)

$users = DB::table('users')
                ->where('votes', '<>', 100)

$users = DB::table('users')
                ->where('name', 'like', 'T%')

$users = DB::table('users')
                    ->where('votes', '>', 100)
                    ->orWhere('name', 'John')

$users = DB::table('users')
            ->where('votes', '>', 100)
            ->orWhere(function($query) {
                $query->where('name', 'Abigail')
                      ->where('votes', '>', 50);

$products = DB::table('products')
                ->whereNot(function ($query) {
                    $query->where('clearance', true)
                          ->orWhere('price', '<', 10);

$users = DB::table('users')
           ->whereBetween('votes', [1, 100])

$users = DB::table('users')
                    ->whereNotBetween('votes', [1, 100])

$users = DB::table('users')
                    ->whereIn('id', [1, 2, 3])

$users = DB::table('users')
                    ->whereNotIn('id', [1, 2, 3])

$users = DB::table('users')

$users = DB::table('users')

$users = DB::table('users')
                ->whereDate('created_at', '2016-12-31')

$users = DB::table('users')
                ->whereMonth('created_at', '12')

$users = DB::table('users')
                ->whereDay('created_at', '31')

$users = DB::table('users')
                ->whereYear('created_at', '2016')

$users = DB::table('users')
                ->whereTime('created_at', '=', '11:20:45')

$users = DB::table('users')
                ->whereColumn('first_name', 'last_name')

$users = DB::table('users')
                ->whereColumn('updated_at', '>', 'created_at')

$users = DB::table('users')
                ->orderBy('name', 'desc')

$users = DB::table('users')
                ->orderBy('name', 'desc')
                ->orderBy('email', 'asc')

$user = DB::table('users')

$randomUser = DB::table('users')

$users = DB::table('users')
                ->having('account_id', '>', 100)

$users = DB::table('users')
                ->groupBy('first_name', 'status')
                ->having('account_id', '>', 100)

$users = DB::table('users')->skip(10)->take(5)->get();

$users = DB::table('users')

    'email' => '[email protected]',
    'votes' => 0

$id = DB::table('users')->insertGetId(
    ['email' => '[email protected]', 'votes' => 0]

$affected = DB::table('users')
              ->where('id', 1)
              ->update(['votes' => 1]);

DB::table('users')->increment('votes', 5);
DB::table('users')->decrement('votes', 5);

DB::table('users')->where('id', $id)->delete();

$active_list = DB::table('users')->is('active')->get();
// OR
$active_list = DB::table('users')->true('active')->get();

$inactive_list = DB::table('users')->is('active', false)->get();
$inactive_list = DB::table('users')->false('active')->get();

        ->and('credit', '>', 0)
        ->or('vip', true)

        ->in('id', [1,5,10])