PHP code example of webnuvola / geo

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download webnuvola/geo library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


webnuvola / geo example snippets

use Brick\Geo\Point;

$point = Point::fromText('POINT (1.5 2.5)', 4326);

echo $point->asText(); // POINT (1.5 2.5)

use Brick\Geo\Point;

$point = Point::fromBinary(hex2bin('0101000000000000000000f83f0000000000000440'), 4326);

echo $point->asText(); // POINT (1.5 2.5)
echo $point->SRID(); // 4326

echo bin2hex($point->asBinary()); // 0101000000000000000000f83f0000000000000440

use Brick\Geo\Point;
use Brick\Geo\IO\EWKTReader;
use Brick\Geo\IO\EWKTWriter;

$reader = new EWKTReader();
$point = $reader->read('SRID=4326; POINT (1.5 2.5)');

echo $point->asText(); // POINT (1.5 2.5)
echo $point->SRID(); // 4326

$writer = new EWKTWriter();
echo $writer->write($point); // SRID=4326; POINT (1.5 2.5)

use Brick\Geo\Point;
use Brick\Geo\IO\EWKBReader;
use Brick\Geo\IO\EWKBWriter;

$reader = new EWKBReader();
$point = $reader->read(hex2bin('0101000020e6100000000000000000f83f0000000000000440'));

echo $point->asText(); // POINT (1.5 2.5)
echo $point->SRID(); // 4326

$writer = new EWKBWriter();
echo bin2hex($writer->write($point)); // 0101000020e6100000000000000000f83f0000000000000440

use Brick\Geo\Point;
use Brick\Geo\IO\GeoJSONReader;
use Brick\Geo\IO\GeoJSONWriter;

$reader = new GeoJSONReader();
$point = $reader->read('{ "type": "Point", "coordinates": [1, 2] }');

echo $point->asText(); // POINT (1 2)
echo $point->SRID(); // 4326

$writer = new GeoJSONWriter();
echo $writer->write($point); // {"type":"Point","coordinates":[1,2]}