PHP code example of webmozart / expression

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download webmozart/expression library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


webmozart / expression example snippets

use Webmozart\Expression\Expression;

interface PersonRepository
    public function findPersons(Expression $expr);

$expr = Expr::method('getFirstName', Expr::startsWith('Tho'))
    ->andMethod('getAge', Expr::greaterThan(35));
$persons = $repository->findPersons($expr);

class PersonRepositoryImpl implements PersonRepository
    private $persons = [];
    public function findPersons(Expression $expr)
        return Expr::filter($this->persons, $expr);

class IsPremium extends Method
    public function __construct()
        parent::__construct('isPremium', [], Expr::same(true));

class HasPreviousBookings extends Method
    public function __construct()

// Check if a customer is premium
if ((new IsPremium())->evaluate($customer)) {
    // ...

// Get premium customers with bookings
$customers = $repo->findCustomers(Expr::andX([
    new IsPremium(),
    new HasPreviousBookings(),

$expr = Expr::key('age', Expr::greaterThan(10));

$expr->evaluate(['age' => 12]);
// => true

$expr = Expr::property('age', Expr::greaterThan(10));

$expr->evaluate(new Person(12));
// => true

$expr = Expr::method('getAge', Expr::greaterThan(10));

$expr->evaluate(new Person(12));
// => true

$expr = Expr::method('getParameter', 'age', Expr::greaterThan(10));

$expr->evaluate(new Person(12));
// => true

$expr = Expr::method('getBirthDate', Expr::method('format', 'Y', Expr::lessThan(2000)));

$expr->evaluate(new Person(12));
// => false

$expr = Expr::all(Expr::method('getAge', Expr::greaterThan(10)));

$expr->evaluate([new Person(12), new Person(11)]);
// => true

$expr = Expr::not(Expr::method('getFirstName', Expr::startsWith('Tho')));

$expr = Expr::method('getFirstName', Expr::startsWith('Tho'))
    ->andMethod('getAge', Expr::greaterThan(35));

$expr = Expr::method('getFirstName', Expr::startsWith('Tho'))
    ->orMethod('getAge', Expr::greaterThan(35));

$expr = Expr::method('getAge', Expr::greaterThan(35)->orLessThan(20));

$expr = Expr::method('getFirstName', Expr::startsWith('Tho'))
        Expr::method('getAge', Expr::lessThan(14))
            ->orMethod('isReduced', Expr::same(true))

// tests/bootstrap.php
use SebastianBergmann\Comparator\Factory;
use Webmozart\Expression\PhpUnit\ExpressionComparator;

// Logically equivalent
$c1 = Expr::notNull()->andSame(35);
$c2 = Expr::same(35)->andNotNull();

$c1 == $c2;
// => false

// => true

// Also logically equivalent
$c1 = Expr::same(35);
$c2 = Expr::oneOf([35]);

$c1 == $c2;
// => false

// => true

use Webmozart\Expression\Traversal\ExpressionVisitor;

class QueryBuilderVisitor implements ExpressionVisitor
    private $qb;
    public function __construct(QueryBuilder $qb)
        $this->qb = $qb;
    public function enterExpression(Expression $expr)
        // configure the $qb...
    public function leaveExpression(Expression $expr)
        // configure the $qb...

public function expressionToQueryBuilder(Expression $expr)
    $qb = new QueryBuilder();
    $traverser = new ExpressionTraverser();
    $traverser->addVisitor(new QueryBuilderVisitor($qb));
    return $qb;