1. Go to this page and download the library: Download webit/terc library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards https://php-download.com/ */
webit / terc example snippets
use Webit\Terc\VoivodeshipRepository;
use Webit\Terc\Voivodeship;
use Webit\Terc\VoivodeshipCode;
// check how to obtain an instance of repository in the Infrastructure section of this README.md
/** @var VoivodeshipRepository $repository */
/** @var Voivodeship $voivodeship */
$voivodeship = $repository->get(new VoivodeshipCode('02')); // returns `Voivodeship`
echo $voivodeship->code() . "\n"; // shows `VoivodeshipCode` object
echo $voivodeship->name() . "\n"; // shows voivodeship's name
echo (string)$voivodeship . "\n"; // returns voivodeship's name
$voivodeship = $repository->getByName('dolnośląskie'); // returns `Voivodeship`
// getting all the voivodeships
foreach ($repository->getAll() as $province) {
// do something
use Webit\Terc\DistrictCode;
use Webit\Terc\DistrictRepository;
use Webit\Terc\District;
use Webit\Terc\VoivodeshipCode;
// check how to obtain an instance of repository in the Infrastructure section of this README.md
/** @var DistrictRepository $repository */
/** @var District $district */
$district = $repository->get(new DistrictCode('02'));
echo $district->code() . "\n"; // shows `DistrictCode` object (4 digits code)
echo $district->name() . "\n"; // shows district name
echo $district->type() . "\n"; // shows district type
echo $district->code()->voivodeshipCode() . "\n"; // shows `VoivodeshipCode`
echo $district->code()->districtCode() . "\n"; // shows two digits district code
echo (string)$district . "\n"; // returns districts name
echo $repository->getByVoivodeshipAndName(new VoivodeshipCode('02'), 'dzierżoniowski'); // returns districts's name
// getting all the districts
$limitOffset = \Webit\Terc\LimitOffset::create(250, 0); // optional, 100, 0 by default
foreach ($repository->getAll($limitOffset) as $district) {
// do something
// getting all the districts of given voivodeship
foreach ($repository->getAllOfVoivodeship(new VoivodeshipCode('02')) as $district) {
// do something
use Webit\Terc\DistrictCode;
use Webit\Terc\BoroughCode;
use Webit\Terc\BoroughRepository;
use Webit\Terc\Borough;
use Webit\Terc\VoivodeshipCode;
// check how to obtain an instance of repository in the Infrastructure section of this README.md
/** @var BoroughRepository $repository */
/** @var Borough $borough */
$borough = $repository->get(new BoroughCode('0201011'));
echo $borough->code() . "\n"; // shows `BoroughCode` object (7 digits code)
echo $borough->name() . "\n"; // shows borough name
echo $borough->code()->voivodeshipCode() . "\n"; // shows `VoivodeshipCode` object
echo $borough->code()->districtCode() . "\n"; // shows `DistrictCode` object
echo $borough->code()->boroughCode() . "\n"; // shows two digits borough code
echo $borough->code()->boroughType() . "\n"; // shows `BoroughType` object
echo (string)$borough . "\n"; // returns districts's name
$boroughs = $repository->getByDistrictAndName(new DistrictCode('0201'), 'Boleslawiec'); // returns `BoroughCollection`
// getting all the boroughs
$limitOffset = \Webit\Terc\LimitOffset::create(250, 0); // optional, 100, 0 by default
foreach ($repository->getAll($limitOffset) as $borough) {
// do something
// getting all the boroughs of given voivodeship
$limitOffset = \Webit\Terc\LimitOffset::create(250, 0); // optional, 100, 0 by default
foreach ($repository->getAllOfVoivodeship(new VoivodeshipCode('02'), $limitOffset) as $boroughs) {
// do something
// getting all the boroughs of given district
foreach ($repository->getAllOfDistrict(new DistrictCode('0201')) as $boroughs) {
// do something
use Webit\Terc\Infrastructure\InMemory\VoivodeshipRepositoryBuilder;
use Webit\Terc\Infrastructure\TercFile;
$builder = VoivodeshipRepositoryBuilder::create();
$builder->setLazy(false); // if you want initialise repository on build, true by default
$builder->fromFile(TercFile::create('my_TERC_filename.csv')); // if you want to provide own TERC.csv file (using build-in be default)
$builder->setCacheDir('/cache/dir'); // sets cache to FilesystemCache of Doctrine with a given directory
$builder->setCache(new \Doctrine\Common\Cache\ArrayCache()); // sets preconfigured cache
$voivodeshipRepository = $builder->build();
use Webit\Terc\Infrastructure\InMemory\DistrictRepositoryBuilder;
use Webit\Terc\Infrastructure\TercFile;
$builder = DistrictRepositoryBuilder::create();
$builder->setLazy(false); // if you want initialise repository on build, true by default
$builder->fromFile(TercFile::create('my_TERC_filename.csv')); // if you want to provide own TERC.csv file (using build-in be default)
$builder->setCacheDir('/cache/dir'); // sets cache to FilesystemCache of Doctrine with a given directory
$builder->setCache(new \Doctrine\Common\Cache\ArrayCache()); // sets preconfigured cache
$districtRepository = $builder->build();
use Webit\Terc\Infrastructure\InMemory\BoroughRepositoryBuilder;
use Webit\Terc\Infrastructure\TercFile;
$builder = BoroughRepositoryBuilder::create();
$builder->setLazy(false); // if you want initialise repository on build, true by default
$builder->fromFile(TercFile::create('my_TERC_filename.csv')); // if you want to provide own TERC.csv file (using build-in be default)
$builder->setCacheDir('/cache/dir'); // sets cache to FilesystemCache of Doctrine with a given directory
$builder->setCache(new \Doctrine\Common\Cache\ArrayCache()); // sets preconfigured cache
$boroughRepository = $builder->build();
use Webit\Terc\Infrastructure\InMemory\TercEntitiesInMemoryUpdater;
use Webit\Terc\Infrastructure\TercEntityFromCsvLoader;
use Webit\Terc\Infrastructure\TercFile;
use Doctrine\Common\Cache\FilesystemCache;
$tercEntityLoader = new TercEntityFromCsvLoader(
$cache = new FilesystemCache('/cache/dir') // or any other used
$updater = new TercEntitiesInMemoryUpdater(
use Doctrine\ORM\Configuration;
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager;
use Webit\Terc\Infrastructure\Doctrine\Mapping\Mapping;
use Doctrine\DBAL\DriverManager;
$configuration = new Configuration();
$configuration->setProxyDir(sys_get_temp_dir().substr(md5(time().mt_rand(0, 100000)), 0, 6));
$entityManager = EntityManager::create(
DriverManager::getConnection(['url' => 'sqlite:///:memory:']),
use Webit\Terc\Infrastructure\Doctrine\Voivodeship;
/** @var Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager $entityManager */
$voivodeshipRepository = $entityManager->getRepository(Voivodeship::class);
use Webit\Terc\Infrastructure\Doctrine\District;
/** @var Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager $entityManager */
$districtRepository = $entityManager->getRepository(District::class);
use Webit\Terc\Infrastructure\Doctrine\Borough;
/** @var Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager $entityManager */
$boroughRepository = $entityManager->getRepository(Borough::class);
use Webit\Terc\Infrastructure\Doctrine\TercEntitiesDoctrineUpdater;
use Webit\Terc\Infrastructure\TercEntityFromCsvLoader;
use Webit\Terc\Infrastructure\TercFile;
/** @var Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager $entityManager */
$updater = new TercEntitiesDoctrineUpdater(
new TercEntityFromCsvLoader(
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