PHP code example of webiny / crypt

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download webiny/crypt library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


webiny / crypt example snippets

class MyClass
    use Webiny\Component\Crypt\CryptTrait;

    function myMethod()
        $this->crypt()->encrypt('to encrypt', 'secret key');

    $randomInt = $crypt->generateRandomInt(10, 20); // e.g. 15

    // generate a string from a defined set of characters
    $randomString = $crypt->generateRandomString(5, 'abc'); // e.g. cabcc

    // generate a string that contains only letters (lower & upper case and numbers)
    $randomString = $crypt->generateUserReadableString(5); // A12uL

    // generate a string that can contain special characters
    $randomString = $crypt->generateHardReadableString(5); // &"!3g

    // hash password
    $passwordHash = $crypt->createPasswordHash('login123'); // $2y$08$GgGha6bh53ofEPnBawShwO5FA3Q8ImvPXjJzh662/OAWkjeejAJKa

    // (on login page) verify the hash with the correct password
    $passwordsMatch = $crypt->verifyPasswordHash('login123', $passwordHash); // true or false

    // encrypt it
    $encrypted = $crypt->encrypt('some data', 'abcdefgh12345678');

    // decrypt it
    $decrypted = $crypt->decrypt($result, 'abcdefgh12345678'); // "some data"
