PHP code example of webinarium / linode-api

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download webinarium/linode-api library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


webinarium / linode-api example snippets

use Linode\LinodeClient;

$client = new LinodeClient();

$regions = $client->regions->findAll();

use Linode\LinodeClient;

$client = new LinodeClient('03d084436a6c91fbafd5c4b20c82e5056a2e9ce1635920c30dc8d81dc7a6665c');

$linodes = $client->linodes->findAll();

use Linode\Exception\LinodeException;
use Linode\LinodeClient;
use Linode\LinodeInstances\Linode;

$client = new LinodeClient('03d084436a6c91fbafd5c4b20c82e5056a2e9ce1635920c30dc8d81dc7a6665c');

try {
    $linode = $client->linodes->create([
        Linode::FIELD_TYPE   => 'g6-standard-2',
        Linode::FIELD_REGION => 'us-east',
catch (LinodeException $exception) {
    // This is the same as the reason of the very first error below.
    $message = $exception->getMessage();

    foreach ($exception->getErrors() as $error) {
        echo $error->field;
        echo $error->reason;

use Linode\LinodeClient;
use Linode\LinodeInstances\Linode;
use Linode\LinodeInstances\LinodeRepositoryInterface;

$client = new LinodeClient('03d084436a6c91fbafd5c4b20c82e5056a2e9ce1635920c30dc8d81dc7a6665c');

/** @var LinodeRepositoryInterface $repository */
$repository = $client->linodes;

/** @var Linode $linode */
$linode = $repository->find(123);

echo $linode->label;
echo $linode->hypervisor;

use Linode\Domains\Domain;
use Linode\Domains\DomainRecord;
use Linode\LinodeClient;

$client = new LinodeClient('03d084436a6c91fbafd5c4b20c82e5056a2e9ce1635920c30dc8d81dc7a6665c');

/** @var Domain $domain */
$domain = $client->domains->findOneBy([
    Domain::FIELD_DOMAIN => '',

/** @var DomainRecord[] $records */
$records = $domain->records->findAll();

foreach ($records as $record) {
    echo $record->type;

use Linode\LinodeClient;
use Linode\LinodeInstances\Linode;

$client = new LinodeClient('03d084436a6c91fbafd5c4b20c82e5056a2e9ce1635920c30dc8d81dc7a6665c');

/** @var Linode $linode */
$linode = $client->linodes->find(123);

use Linode\LinodeClient;
use Linode\LinodeInstances\Linode;

$client = new LinodeClient('03d084436a6c91fbafd5c4b20c82e5056a2e9ce1635920c30dc8d81dc7a6665c');

/** @var Linode[] $linodes */
$linodes = $client->linodes->findAll();

printf('Found %d linode(s).', count($linodes));

foreach ($linodes as $linode) {
    // ...

use Linode\LinodeClient;

$client = new LinodeClient('03d084436a6c91fbafd5c4b20c82e5056a2e9ce1635920c30dc8d81dc7a6665c');

$linodes = $client->linodes->findAll();

foreach ($linodes as $linode) {
    echo $linode->label;

use Linode\LinodeClient;

$client = new LinodeClient('03d084436a6c91fbafd5c4b20c82e5056a2e9ce1635920c30dc8d81dc7a6665c');

$linodes = $client->linodes->findAll();

// This will make three API requests.
foreach ($linodes as $linode) {
    echo $linode->label;

// This will make no API requests at all.
foreach ($linodes as $linode) {
    echo $linode->type;

$linodes2 = $client->linodes->findAll();

// This will make three API requests again, as this is another collection.
foreach ($linodes2 as $linode) {
    echo $linode->type;

use Linode\LinodeClient;
use Linode\LinodeInstances\Linode;
use Linode\RepositoryInterface;

$client = new LinodeClient('03d084436a6c91fbafd5c4b20c82e5056a2e9ce1635920c30dc8d81dc7a6665c');

$linodes = $client->linodes->findAll(Linode::FIELD_LABEL, RepositoryInterface::SORT_DESC);

use Linode\LinodeClient;
use Linode\LinodeInstances\Linode;

$client = new LinodeClient('03d084436a6c91fbafd5c4b20c82e5056a2e9ce1635920c30dc8d81dc7a6665c');

$linodes = $client->linodes->findBy([
    Linode::FIELD_REGION => 'us-west',
    Linode::FIELD_TAGS   => 'app-server',

use Linode\LinodeClient;
use Linode\LinodeInstances\Linode;

$client = new LinodeClient('03d084436a6c91fbafd5c4b20c82e5056a2e9ce1635920c30dc8d81dc7a6665c');

$linode = $client->linodes->findOneBy([
    Linode::FIELD_LABEL => 'mysql-server-02',

use Linode\LinodeClient;

$client = new LinodeClient();

$types = $client->linodeTypes->query('(class == "standard" or class == "highmem") or (vcpus >= 12 and vcpus <= 20)');

foreach ($types as $type) {
    echo $type->class;
    echo $type->vcpus;

use Linode\LinodeClient;

$client = new LinodeClient();

$parameters = [
    'class1' => 'standard',
    'class2' => 'highmem',
    'min'    => 12,
    'max'    => 20,

$types = $client->linodeTypes->query('(class == :class1 or class == :class2) or (vcpus >= :min and vcpus <= :max)', $parameters);

use Linode\LinodeClient;
use Linode\LinodeTypes\LinodeType;
use Linode\RepositoryInterface;

$client = new LinodeClient();

$parameters = [
    'class1' => 'standard',
    'class2' => 'highmem',
    'min'    => 12,
    'max'    => 20,

$types = $client->linodeTypes->query(
    '(class == :class1 or class == :class2) or (vcpus >= :min and vcpus <= :max)',
./bin/php-cs-fixer fix
XDEBUG_MODE=coverage ./bin/phpunit --coverage-text