PHP code example of webimpian / bayarcash-php-sdk

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download webimpian/bayarcash-php-sdk library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


webimpian / bayarcash-php-sdk example snippets

$bayarcash = new Webimpian\BayarcashSdk\Bayarcash(TOKEN_HERE);
$bayarcash->useSandbox(); // call this method to switch to use sandbox

// set value for BAYARCASH_API_TOKEN and BAYARCASH_API_SECRET_KEY in the .env file

$bayarcash = app(\Webimpian\BayarcashSdk\Bayarcash::class);
$bayarcash->useSandbox(); // call this method to switch to use sandbox

$paymentIntentRequestChecksum = $bayarcash->createPaymentIntenChecksumValue(API_SECRET_KEY, REQUEST_DATA); 

// append checksum value to your REQUEST_DATA
// $data['checksum'] = $paymentIntentRequestChecksum

$response = $bayarcash->createPaymentIntent(REQUEST_DATA);
header("Location: " . $response->url); // redirect payer to Bayarcash checkout page.

// pre-transaction callback
$validResponse = $bayarcash->verifyPreTransactionCallbackData(CALLBACK_DATA, API_SECRET_KEY);
// transaction callback
$validResponse = $bayarcash->verifyTransactionCallbackData(CALLBACK_DATA, API_SECRET_KEY);

$enrolmentRequestChecksum = $bayarcash->createFpxDIrectDebitEnrolmentChecksumValue(API_SECRET_KEY, REQUEST_DATA); 

// append checksum value to your REQUEST_DATA
// $data['checksum'] = $enrolmentRequestChecksum

$response = $this->bayarcashSdk->createFpxDirectDebitEnrollmentIntent($data);
header("Location: " . $response->url); // redirect payer to Bayarcash Fpx Direct Debit enrolment page.

$maintenanceRequestChecksum = $bayarcash->createFpxDIrectDebitMaintenanceChecksumValue(API_SECRET_KEY, REQUEST_DATA); 

// append checksum value to your REQUEST_DATA
// $data['checksum'] = $maintenanceRequestChecksum

$response = $this->bayarcashSdk->createFpxDirectDebitMaintenanceIntent($data);
header("Location: " . $response->url); // redirect payer to Bayarcash Fpx Direct Debit maintenance page.

$response = $this->bayarcashSdk->createFpxDirectDebitTerminationIntent($data);
header("Location: " . $response->url); // redirect payer to Bayarcash Fpx Direct Debit termination page.