PHP code example of webignition / robots-txt-file

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download webignition/robots-txt-file library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


webignition / robots-txt-file example snippets

use webignition\RobotsTxt\File\Parser;

$parser = new Parser();

$robotsTxtFile = $parser->getFile();
// Get an array of records

// Get the list of record-independent directives (such as sitemap directives):

use webignition\RobotsTxt\File\Parser;
use webignition\RobotsTxt\Inspector\Inspector;

$parser = new Parser();

$inspector = new Inspector($parser->getFile());

$slurpDirectiveList = $inspector->getDirectives();

use webignition\RobotsTxt\File\Parser;
use webignition\RobotsTxt\Inspector\Inspector;

$parser = new Parser();

$inspector = new Inspector($parser->getFile());

if ($inspector->isAllowed('/foo')) {
    // Do whatever is needed access to /foo is allowed

use webignition\RobotsTxt\File\Parser;

$parser = new Parser();

$robotsTxtFile = $parser->getFile();

$sitemapDirectives = $robotsTxtFile->getNonGroupDirectives()->getByField('sitemap');
$sitemapUrl = (string)$sitemapDirectives->first()->getValue();

use webignition\RobotsTxt\File\Parser;
use webignition\RobotsTxt\Inspector\Inspector;

$parser = new Parser();

$robotsTxtFile = $parser->getFile();

$inspector = new Inspector($robotsTxtFile);

$slurpDisallowDirectiveList = $inspector->getDirectives()->getByField('disallow');