PHP code example of webarchitect609 / bitrix-exception-logger

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download webarchitect609/bitrix-exception-logger library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


webarchitect609 / bitrix-exception-logger example snippets

    'exception_handling' =>
                'value'    =>
                        'debug' => false,
                        'handled_errors_types'       => E_ERROR
                            | E_PARSE
                            | E_CORE_ERROR
                            | E_COMPILE_ERROR
                            | E_USER_ERROR
                            | E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR,
                        'exception_errors_types'     => E_ERROR
                            | E_PARSE
                            | E_CORE_ERROR
                            | E_COMPILE_ERROR
                            | E_USER_ERROR
                            | E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR,
                        'ignore_silence'             => false,
                        'assertion_throws_exception' => true,
                        'assertion_error_type'       => E_USER_ERROR,
                        'log'                        => [
                            'class_name' => \WebArch\BitrixExceptionLogger\ExceptionLogger::class,
                            'settings'   => [
                                 * Логгер типа \Psr\Log\LoggerInterface. Обязательная опция. 
                                'logger' => new \Monolog\Logger(
                                                new \Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler(
                                                    '/var/log/www_exception.log', \Psr\Log\LogLevel::INFO
                                 * Битриксовые типы сообщений, которые будут записываться в лог. Необязательная опция.
                                 * (по умолчанию пишутся все типы, кроме \Bitrix\Main\Diag\ExceptionHandlerLog::LOW_PRIORITY_ERROR ) 
                                'types' => [
                'readonly' => true,