PHP code example of webandco / neos-dev-tools

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download webandco/neos-dev-tools library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


webandco / neos-dev-tools example snippets

if ($workspace->getName() == 'live') {
    foreach($nodes as $node){

$s = new Stopwatch();
$nodes = ....
$nodeCount = count($nodes);

foreach($nodes as $node){
    $c = $stopwatch->countLaps('nodes');
    if($c % 10 == 0){  // print ETA on every 10'th node
        $this->systemLogger->debug("Duration: ".Stopwatch::format($s->getEvent('nodes')->getDuration())." ETA: ".Stopwatch::format($s->eta('nodes', $nodeCount)));
    ...  // process a node

public function processNode(Node $node){
    $s = new Stopwatch();
    $s->setMetadata('nodeIdentifier', $node->getIdentifier());
    $s->setMetadata('nodeType', $node->getNodeType()->getName());


    // Log the stopwatch, e.g. using wLog($s); - see below

     * @Flow\Inject
     * @var StopwatchFactoryInterface
    protected $stopwatchFactory;

     * @Flow\Inject
     * @var StopwatchTreeInterface
    protected $stopwatchTree;
     * Generate the list of allowed sub-node-types per parent-node-type and child-node-name.
     * @return array constraints
    protected function generateConstraints()
        $s = $this->stopwatchFactory->create();

        //$s = new Stopwatch();
        $constraints = [];
        $nodeTypes = $this->nodeTypeManager->getNodeTypes(true);
        /** @var NodeType $nodeType */
        foreach ($nodeTypes as $nodeTypeName => $nodeType) {
            $constraints[$nodeTypeName] = [
                'nodeTypes' => [],
                'childNodes' => []
            foreach ($nodeTypes as $innerNodeTypeName => $innerNodeType) {
                if ($nodeType->allowsChildNodeType($innerNodeType)) {
                    $constraints[$nodeTypeName]['nodeTypes'][$innerNodeTypeName] = true;



            foreach ($nodeType->getAutoCreatedChildNodes() as $key => $_x) {
                foreach ($nodeTypes as $innerNodeTypeName => $innerNodeType) {
                    if ($nodeType->allowsGrandchildNodeType($key, $innerNodeType)) {
                        $constraints[$nodeTypeName]['childNodes'][$key]['nodeTypes'][$innerNodeTypeName] = true;




        wLog($s, "\n".$this->stopwatchTree->getTreeString());

        return $constraints;

function someMethod(){
$wLog = wLog(__METHOD__, __LINE__, $interestingArgument)->withTiming(__METHOD__, __LINE__);

     * @Flow\Inject
     * @var LogService
    protected $logService;