PHP code example of web-fu / php-dot-notation

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download web-fu/php-dot-notation library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


web-fu / php-dot-notation example snippets

$array = [
    'foo' => [
        'bar' => 'test',

// Accessing an array
$dot = new Dot($array);
echo $dot->get(''); //test

// Setting a value in an array
$dot->set('', 'baz');
echo $array['foo']['bar']; //baz

$class = new class() {
    public string $property = 'test';
    public function method(): string
        return 'foo';

// Accessing an object
$dot = new Dot($class);
echo $dot->get('property'); //test
echo $dot->get('method()'); //foo

// Setting a value in an object
$dot->set('property', 'baz');
echo $class->property; //baz

// Turning an object or an array into the dotified version of it
$array = [
    'foo' => [
        'bar' => 'test',
$dotified = Dot::dotify($array);

echo $dotified['']; //test

$class = new class() {
    public function iDoSomething(): int
        echo 'I Do Something ';
        return 0;

$dot = new Dot($class);
echo $dot->get('iDoSomething'); // I Do Something 0

$class = new class() {
    public function thisMethodReturnsNull(): int|null
        return null;
    public function thisMethodDoesNotReturn(): void
        //do something

$dot = new Dot($class);
var_dump($dot->get('thisMethodReturnsNull')); //NULL
var_dump($dot->get('thisMethodDoesNotReturn')); //NULL

$class = new class() {
    public function method(): int {
        return 0;

$dot = new Dot($class);
$dot->set('method()', 20); //Unhandled Exception: WebFu\Proxy\UnsupportedOperationException Cannot set a class method