PHP code example of weavora / doctrine-extensions

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download weavora/doctrine-extensions library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


weavora / doctrine-extensions example snippets

namespace Acme\BlogBundle\Entity;

use Weavora\Doctrine\ORM as ORM;

 * Custom query class for Post entity
 * Contains useful criteria set for posts filtering
class PostQueryBuilder extends ORM\EntityQueryBuilder
    public function published()
        return $this->filterByColumn('Post.publishStatus', Post::STATUS_PUBLISHED);

    public function recentFirst()
        return $this->orderBy('Post.publishedAt', 'DESC');

 * Post entity repository
 * Contains methods for fetch posts
class PostRepository extends ORM\EntityRepository
     * Instantiate custom query builder
     * @return PostQueryBuilder
    public function filter()
        return new PostQueryBuilder($this->getEntityManager(), $this);

     * Find 10 recent posts
     * @return Post[]
    public function findRecent()
        return $this
            ->filter() // use PostQueryBuilder
                ->published() // get only published posts
                ->limit(10) // get only first 10 posts
                ->recentFirst() // most recent posts should go first
            ->fetchAll(); // get posts

     * Find posts by category
     * @param Category $category
     * @param int $page
     * @param int $itemsPerPage
     * @return Post[]
    public function findByCategory(Category $category, $page = 1, $itemsPerPage = 10)
        return $this
            ->filter() // use PostQueryBuilder
                ->filterByColumn('Post.category', $category) // get only posts in the specified category
                ->paginate($page, $itemsPerPage) // get only the specified page
                ->recentFirst()  // most recent posts should go first
            ->fetchAll(); // get posts

     * Count posts by author
     * @param Author $author
     * @return int
    public function countByAuthor(Author $author)
        return $this
            ->filter() // use PostQueryBuilder
                ->select('COUNT(') // calculate count
                ->filterByColumn('', $author) // calculate only author's posts
                ->groupBy('') // group by author
            ->fetchScalar(); // get scalar results (the first column of the first row)

// entity class name -> alias
// \Entity\Post -> Post
// \Acme\DemoBundle\Entity\AuthorSettings -> AuthorSettings
// \Comment -> Comment
$alias = $queryBuilder->getEntityAlias();

// SELECT * FROM Entity\Post Post WHERE Post.title = :p1, [p1 = 'Post 1']
$queryBuilder->filterByColumn('Post.title', 'Post 1');

// SELECT * FROM Entity\Post Post WHERE Post.category IN (1,2,3)
$queryBuilder->filterByColumn('Post.category', array(1,2,3));

$queryBuilder->filterByColumn('', null);

// SELECT * FROM Entity\Post Post
$queryBuilder->filterByColumn('', null, false);

// SELECT * FROM Entity\Post Post WHERE = 1
$queryBuilder->filterByColumn('', 1, false);

// SELECT * FROM Entity\Post Post WHERE Post.title = :title, [title = 'Post 1']
$queryBuilder->filterByStatement('Post.title = :title', ['title' => 'Post 1']);

// SELECT * FROM Entity\Post Post WHERE Post.category IN (1,2,3)
$queryBuilder->filterByColumn('Post.category IN (1,2,3)');

// SELECT * FROM Entity\Post Post LIMIT 0, 10

// SELECT * FROM Entity\Post Post LIMIT 15, 10
$queryBuilder->limit(10, 15);

// SELECT * FROM Entity\Post Post -> Post[]

// SELECT * FROM Entity\Post Post LIMIT 0, 10 -> Post[]
$queryBuilder->filterByStatement('Post.title = :title')->fetchAll(['title' => 'Post 1']);

// SELECT * FROM Entity\Post Post LIMIT 0, 1 -> Post

// SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Entity\Post Post LIMIT 0, 1 -> int