PHP code example of wead / google-firestore-rest-client

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download wead/google-firestore-rest-client library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


wead / google-firestore-rest-client example snippets


// download this json file from Google Console API
$firestorage = new WeadFirestoreClient("./google-account-services.json");

// it's only get collection object, but not create it
$collection = $firestorage->getCollection('users');

// set new or existing document inside this collection
$doc = $firestorage->getDocument($collection, "adriano");
$doc2 = $firestorage->getDocument($collection, "temp-to-remove"); // delete document example

// insert or update document with content
// a fild will be removed if already exists online but not informed here
// suport nested array and objects
$outDoc = $firestorage->setDocument($doc, [
    "name" => "Adriano Maciel",
    "email" => "[email protected]",
    "social" => [
            "dev" => [
                "github" => [
        "type_int" => 1,
        "type_bool" => false,
        "type_null" => null,
        "string_empty" => "",
        "array_empty" => [],
        "array_null" => [null],
        "array_bool" => [false],
        "array_string_empty" => [""],
        "object_empty" => json_decode('{}'),
        "object_string_empty" => json_decode('{"0":""}'),
        "object_null" => json_decode('{"0":null}'),
        "object_bool" => json_decode('{"0":false}'),
// get a object with all information and fields inside this document
$read = $firestorage->readDocument($doc);


// write and remove temp document
$outDoc = $firestorage->setDocument($doc2, [
    "content" => "to be removed"

$read = $firestorage->readDocument($doc2);

// delete doc