PHP code example of wavevision / dependent-selectbox
1. Go to this page and download the library: Download wavevision/dependent-selectbox library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards */
wavevision / dependent-selectbox example snippets
use Nette\Application\UI\Control;
use Nette\Application\UI\Presenter;
use Wavevision\DependentSelectBox\DependentComponent;
use Wavevision\DependentSelectBox\DependentData;
use Wavevision\DependentSelectBox\DependentValues;
use Wavevision\DependentSelectBox\Form\Form;
class FormComponent extends Control
// add 'loadDependenData' signal and a few utilities
use DependentComponent;
public function __construct()
$this->monitor(Presenter::class, function (): void {
// setup form in component - optionally pass form name (default 'form')
if ($this->hasReceivedDependentSignal()) {
// if 'loadDependenData' signal received, do anything extra we need
protected function createComponentForm(): Form
// create your form as you are used to
$form->addDependentSelectBox('name', 'Label', $form['someParentControl'])
->setDependentCallback(function (DependentValues $values): DependentData {
// get ArrayHash values, if you perfer array, use getRawValues
$formattedValues = $values->getValues();
$data = new DependentData();
if ($formattedValues->someParentControl === 'someDependentValue') {
$data->setItems(['firstItem' => 'firstValue']);
return $data;
// make the select box disabled when no values have been loaded
// if loaded values contain only one item, select it so the user does not have to
// if 'someOtherControl' has 'someValue', treat 'someControl' as parent
->addConditionalParent($form['someControl'], $form['someOtherControl'], 'someValue');
// add form handlers etc.
return $form;
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