PHP code example of warnstar / tin-core

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download warnstar/tin-core library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


warnstar / tin-core example snippets

// 实例化路由处理器对象
$r = new \Tin\Base\Router();

// 设置全局中间件

// 路由内设置中间件
$r->get('/mid2', \app\controllers\IndexController::class . '@index')->addMiddleware(\app\middleware\AbcMiddleware::class);

// 设置路由
$r->get('/users', \app\controllers\IndexController::class . '@index');
$r->get('/index/{id:\d+}', \app\controllers\IndexController::class . '@index');

// 设置路由组
$r->group("/test", function(\Tin\Base\Router $r){
    $r->get('/mid', \app\controllers\TestController::class . '@mid');


// query

// form or json
$this->request->getParsedBodyParam("key" , "default");

$r = new \Tin\Router();

$r->get('/', \app\admin\controllers\IndexController::class . '@index');

$components['router'] =  $r;
$components['server'] = \Tin\HttpServer::build();

(new \Tin($components))->run();