PHP code example of wapacro / az-keyvault-php

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download wapacro/az-keyvault-php library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


wapacro / az-keyvault-php example snippets

    * Secrets
   $secret = new AzKeyVault\Secret('');

   // If you want to get all secrets (default max to 25):
   $secrets = $secret->getSecrets();
   // ... else get next page via nextLink
   $secrets = $secret->getSecrets($secrets->getNextLink());

   // If you want the latest secret
   $value = $secret->getSecret('mySecretName');

   // If you want a specific secret version:
   $value = $secret->getSecret('mySecretName', '9fe63d32-5eb0-47f2-8ef8-version-id');

   // ... otherwise get all versions of secret
   // with name "mySecretName" which are marked
   // as enabled and retrieve the first one
   $enabledSecretVersions = $secret->getSecretVersions('mySecretName')->enabled();
   $firstEnabledVersion = reset($enabledSecretVersions);
   $value = $secret->getSecret($firstEnabledVersion);

   echo $value->secret;
   // prints: my super secret message

   // If you want to set secret or update secret with newer version:
   $value = $secret->setSecret('mySecretName', 'mySecretValue');
   echo $value->secret;
   // prints: mySecretValue

    * Keys
   $key = new AzKeyVault\Key('');

   // Retrieve specific key version:
   $value = $key->getKey('myKeyName', 'j7d8rd32-5eb0-47f2-8ef8-version-id');

   // ... or get all versions of a key
   // and retrieve the first one which
   // is enabled, just like with the
   // secrets above
   $enabledKeyVersions = $key->getKeyVersions('myKeyName')->enabled();
   $firstEnabledVersion = reset($enabledKeyVersions);
   $value = $key->getKey($firstEnabledVersion);

   echo $value->type; // e.g. "RSA"
   echo $value->n;    // prints base64 encoded RSA modulus

   // This library also provides some key utilities
   // to make retrieved keys work with the OpenSSL extension
   $pem = (new AzKeyVault\KeyUtil($value))->toPEM();
   $keyDetails = openssl_pkey_get_details(openssl_pkey_get_private($pem));
