PHP code example of wangta69 / laravel-chart

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download wangta69/laravel-chart library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


wangta69 / laravel-chart example snippets

use Pondol\Charts\Facades\Chartjs;

$data = ['all'=>['jan'=>34, 'feb'=>56...], 'unique'=>[...]]
$chart = Chartjs::
  ->datasets(function($dataset) use($data) {
      $dataset->setLabel("# all");
  ->datasets(function($dataset) use($data) {
    $dataset->setLabel("# unique");
  ->options(function($option) {
    $option->setTitle('Daily visitor');

$chartData = array_column($data , 'count');
  $chart = Chartjs::refresh()

  ->datasets(function($dataset) use($data) {
    $dataset->setData(array_column($data , 'count'));

  ->labels(array_column($data , 'country'));
  $chart = $chart->options(function($option) {
    $option->legend['display'] = false;