PHP code example of walkweltech / laravel-otp

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download walkweltech/laravel-otp library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


walkweltech / laravel-otp example snippets

Route::get('secret', function (\Illuminate\Http\Request $request): string {
    $token = $request->otpToken();
    $messages[] = "The otp token {$token} has {$token->timeLeft()} out of {$token->expiryTime()} seconds.";

    $messages[] = "The time left can be reset using the refresh method: {$token->timeLeft()}/{$token->expiryTime()}";

    $messages[] = "The expiry time can be increased using the extend method: {$token->timeLeft()}/{$token->expiryTime()}";

    $messages[] = "You can also invalidate the token immediately. Try refreshing the page ;)";

    return implode('<br>', $messages);
})->middleware('auth', 'otp');


// App\RouteServiceProvider@map:

 * The application's route middleware.
 * These middleware may be assigned to groups or used individually.
 * @var array
protected $routeMiddleware = [
    // [...]
    'otp' => \WalkwelTech\Otp\Http\Middleware\Otp::class,

Route::get('secret', function (Request $request): string {

    return 'The secret of immortality';
})->middleware('auth', 'otp');

// AppServiceProvider::register():
TokenNotification::macro('AcmeSms', function () {
    // $this is TokenNotification class.
    return $this->notification->code;

// AppServiceProvider::register():
app('otp')->addPasswordGenerator('acme', function (int $length): string {
    return 'your_implementation';

 namespace App\Acme\PasswordGenerators;

use WalkwelTech\Otp\PasswordGeneratorInterface;

class AcmePasswordGenerator implements PasswordGeneratorInterface
     * Generate an acme password with the given length.
     * @param  int    $length
     * @return string
    public function generate(int $length): string
        return 'your implementation';

// AppServiceProvider::register():
Otp::addPasswordGenerator('acme', AcmePasswordGenerator::class);

$isTokenValid = Otp::check($authenticableId, $token);


$token = Otp::create(auth()->user(), $length = 6);
// See what can be done with tokens below.

$token = Otp::retrieveByPlainText(auth()->id(), $otpPassword);
// See what can be done with tokens below.

$token = Otp::retrieveByCipherText(auth()->id(), $otpPassword);
// See what can be done with tokens below.

public function authenticableId();
public function cipherText(): string;
public function plainText(): ?string; // If you have just created the token, plain text will be accessable. If you retrieved it; it won't.
public function createdAt(): Carbon;
public function updatedAt(): Carbon;
public function expiryTime(): int;
public function expiresAt(): Carbon;
public function timeLeft(): int;
public function expired(): bool;

public function revoke(): void;
public function invalidate(): void;

public function show(Request $request, $id) {
    if($request->input('revoke_session', false)) {

    return view('heaven');

// Extend the usage time of the token for the given seconds:
public function extend(?int $seconds = null): bool;
// Make the token function like it has just been created:
public function refresh(): bool;

$token = Otp::retrieveByCipherText(

if(! $token->expired()) {

public static function create(
    string $cipherText,
    ?string $plainText = null
): TokenInterface;

$token = Token::create(1, 'foo', 'plain foo');

public static function retrieveByAttributes(array $attributes): ?TokenInterface;

$token = Token::retrieveByAttributes([
    'authenticable_id' => 1,
    'cipher_text'      => 'foo',

public function toNotification(): Notification;


$ php artisan vendor:publish

$ php artisan migrate