PHP code example of wa72 / url

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download wa72/url library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


wa72 / url example snippets

use \Wa72\Url\Url;

$url = new Url('');
// or alternatively use the static factory function `parse`:
$url = Url::parse('');

// set another host

// return the URL as string again
echo $url->write();
// or simply:
echo $url;

$url->setQueryParameter('p1', 'newvalue');
$url->setQueryParameter('param3', 'another value');
echo $url;
// will output:

// You can even add arrays a query parameter:
$url->setQueryParameter('param3', array(5, 6));
echo $url;
// will output:

$url1 = Url::parse('index.php?a=0&a=1&b=2');
$url2 = Url::parse('index.php?b=2&a=1');

return $url1.equals($url2);
// will return TRUE

$url = Url::parse('page.php');
$baseurl = Url::parse('http://www.test.test/index.html');
echo $url; // will print: http://www.test.test/page.php

$url = Url::parse('../de/seite.html');
$baseurl = Url::parse('http://www.test.test/en/page.html');
echo $url; // will print: http://www.test.test/de/seite.html

$url = Url::parse('/index.html');
$baseurl = Url::parse('http://www.test.test/en/page.html');
echo $url; // will print: http://www.test.test/index.html

$url = Url::parse('/index.html');
$baseurl = Url::parse('http://www.test.test/en/page.html');
echo $url; // will print: http://www.test.test/index.html

$url = Url::parse('//www.test.test/index.html');
$baseurl = Url::parse('https://www.test.test/en/page.html');
echo $url; // will print: https://www.test.test/index.html

$url = Url::parse('https://www.test.test/index.php?id=5#c1');

// protocol-relative output
echo $url->write(Url::WRITE_FLAG_OMIT_SCHEME); // will print: //www.test.test/index.php?id=5#c1

// host-relative output
echo $url->write(Url::WRITE_FLAG_OMIT_SCHEME | Url::WRITE_FLAG_OMIT_HOST)); // will print: /index.php?id=5#c1

use Wa72\Url\Psr7Uri;
use Wa72\Url\Url;

# Get a Psr7Uri from a Url object

$url = Url::parse('');
$psr7uri = Psr7Uri::fromUrl($url);
// or alternatively:
$psr7uri = $url->toPsr7();

# Get a Url object from UriInterface

$url = Url::fromPsr7($psr7uri); // this works for every UriInterface object, not only Wa72\Url\Psr7Uri
// or alternatively:
$url = $psr7uri->toUrl();

# You can also create a Psr7Uri directly

$psr7uri = Psr7Uri::parse('');