PHP code example of w3lifer / php-helper
1. Go to this page and download the library: Download w3lifer/php-helper library . Choose the download type require .
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards */
w3lifer / php-helper example snippets php
addPrefixToArrayKeys(array $array, string $prefix, bool $recursively = true): array;
addPostfixToArrayKeys(array $array, string $postfix, bool $recursively = true): array;
addZeroPrefix(string $value, int $order = 1): string;
arrayToXml(array $data, SimpleXMLElement &$xmlData = null): string;
auth(array $credentials): bool;
clearAllCookies(): bool;
createSqlValuesString(array $values, string $valueWrapper = '"'): string;
csvStringToArray(string $csvString, bool $removeFirstLine = false): array;
filterListOfArraysByKeyValuePairs(array $inputArray, array $searchParams): array;
getBase64Image(string $absolutePathToImage): string;
getClassNameFromObject(object $object): string;
getClassNameFromString(string $className): string;
getDatesBetweenDates(string $startDate, string $endDate, string $format = 'Y-m-d'): array;
getFilesInDirectory(string $pathToDirectory, bool $recursively = false, array $fileExtensions = [], &$result = []): array;
getFullUrl(): string;
getNormalizedDayOfWeek(int $dayOfWeek): int;
getRandomWeightedElement(array $weightedValues);
getResponseHeader(string $header, array $response): string;
getTimezoneOffset(string $timeZone): int;
insertAfterKey(array $array, string $afterKey, string $key, string $new);
isAjax(): bool;
mbUcfirst(string $string): string;
prettyVarExportSoft(array $array): string;
prettyVarExportHard(array $array): string;
putArrayToCsvFile(string $filename, array $array): bool;
quickSort(array $array): array;
rangeGenerator(int $start, int $limit, int $step = 1): Generator;
removeCookie(string $name): bool;
removeDirectoryRecursively(string $pathToDirectory): bool;
removeDuplicatesFromMultiDimensionalArray(array $array): array;
secondsToTime(int $seconds): array;
sortByDate(array $array, string $key, bool $asc = true): array;
strRepeatWithSeparator(string $input, int $multiplier, string $separator = ''): string;
tabDelimitedStringToArray(string $string): array;
unzip(string $pathToArchive, string $extractTo);