PHP code example of vox / restfull-client-mapper

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download vox/restfull-client-mapper library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


vox / restfull-client-mapper example snippets

// uses guzzle to reach webservices
$guzzleClient = new GuzzleHttp\Client();

// obtain a client registry, and register all guzzle clients on it
$registry = new Vox\Webservice\ClientRegistry();
$registry->set('some_client', $guzzleClient);

// instantiate a metadata factory, the second argument for the annotation driver
// is a string with the metadata classes that will be created by the driver
$metadataFactory = new Metadata\MetadataFactory(
    new Vox\Metadata\Driver\AnnotationDriver(
        new Doctrine\Common\Annotations\AnnotationReader(),

// A symfony serializer using the provided normalizers on this lib
// is important, however, other normalizers/denormalizers can be used
$serializer = new Symfony\Component\Serializer\Serializer(
    	new Vox\Serializer\Normalizer($metadataFactory),
        new Vox\Serializer\Denormalizer(new ObjectHydrator($metadataFactory))
    	new Symfony\Component\Serializer\Encoder\JsonEncoder()
// create a webservice client, its the guy who actualy calls your webservices
$webserviceClient = Vox\Webservice\WebserviceClient($registry, $metadataFactory, $serializer, $serializer);

// Finaly you can obtain a transfer manager
$transferManager = new Vox\Webservice\TransferManager($metadataFactory, $webserviceClient)

use Vox\Webservice\ClientRegistry;
use Vox\Webservice\Factory\ClientFactory;
use Vox\Webservice\Factory\TransferManagerBuilder;

$clientRegistry = new ClientRegistry();
$clientFactory = (new ClientFactory())
    ->addClient('foo', 'http://foo.localhost', $clientRegistry)
    ->addClient('bar', 'http://bar.localhost', $clientRegistry);
$builder = new TransferManagerBuilder();
$transferManager = $builder->createTransferManager();

// Or if you want doctrine caches
$builder->withDoctrineCache(new ApcCache());

//Note that the method withCacheDir, also sets the proxy cache folder


// you can also disable by calling $builder->isTransactional(false);

use Vox\Webservice\Mapping\BelongsTo;
use Vox\Webservice\Mapping\Id;
use Vox\Webservice\Mapping\Resource;

 * Remember the name setted on the client registry? it will be resolved to the name used on the
 * client property on the resource annotation. The route of the resource can be configured on the
 * route property of the annotation
 * @Resource(client="some_client", route="/related")
class Stub
     * Maps an property as an id, this is mandatory to update and find by id
     * @Id
     * @var int
    private $id;
     * bind this property to receive the id value of a foreign key
     * @Bindings(source="relation")
     * @var int
    private $relationId;
     * does the belongs to relationship mapping, a existing field containing the id of the relation must be indicated
     * @BelongsTo(foreignField = "relationId")
     * @var RelationStub
    private $belongs;
     * does the has one relationship mapping, must indicate a field on the related class that will be matched against
     * the value contained on the id of this class
     * @HasOne(foreignField = "relatedId")
     * @var RelationStub
    private $hasOne;

     * does the has many relationship mapping, must indicate a field on the related classes that will be matched against
     * the value contained on the id of this class
     * @HasMany(foreignField = "relatedId")
     * @var RelationStub
    private $hasMany;
    public function getRelationId()
        return $this->relationId;

    public function getBelongs(): RelationStub
        return $this->belongs;
    public function setBlongs(RelationStub $relation)
        $this->belongs = $relation;

    public function getHasOne(): RelationStub
        return $this->hasOne;
    public function getHasMany(): TransferCollection
        return $this->hasMany;

 * @Resource(client="some_client", route="/relation")
class RelationStub
     * @Id
     * @var int
    private $id;
    private $name;
    public function getId()
        return $this->id;

    public function getName()
        return $this->name;
    public function setName($name)
        $this->name = $name;

// the first argument is the path of where the yml files will be located, the second one is the metadata class to be used
$metadataFactory = new Metadata\MetadataFactory(
    new Vox\Metadata\Driver\YmlDriver(

class Foo
     * @Id()
     * @var int
    private $firstId;
     * @Id()
     * @var int
    private $secondId;

class Bar
     * @var int
    private $foreignKeyOne;
     * @var int
    private $foreignKeyTwo;
    * All you need is to use an array of foreign keys instead of a single one
    * @BelongsTo(foreignField={"foreignKeyOne", "foreignKeyTwo"})
    * @var Relationship
    private $relationship;

// fetches a single transfer from the webservice
$stub = $transferManager->find(Stub::class, 1);
// thanks to the proxy pattern and the mapping the relation can be retrieved lazily and automaticly
$relation = $stub->getRelation();

// changes to a proxyed transfer will be tracked
$relation->setName('lorem ipsum');

$stub2 = $transferManager->find(Stub::class, 2);
$stub2->setRelation(new Relation());

$stub3 = new Stub();
$stub3->setRelation(new Relation());

// any new created transfer must be persisted into the unity of work, so it can be posted by the persister

// flushes all changes, all posts, puts, etc. will happen here

 * @Resource(client="foo", route="/foo")
class IriRelated
     * @Id
     * @var int
    private $id;
     * @var array
    private $related;
     * @HasMany(iriCollectionField="related")
     * @var IriRelated[]
    private $relatedTransfers;

class ExampleListener
    public function prePersist(LifecycleEventInterface $event) {}
    public function postPersist(LifecycleEventInterface $event) {}
    public function preUpdate(LifecycleEventInterface $event) {}
    public function preRemove(LifecycleEventInterface $event) {}
    public function postUpdate(LifecycleEventInterface $event) {}
    public function preFlush(LifecycleEventInterface $event) {}
    public function postFlush(LifecycleEventInterface $event) {}

use Vox\Webservice\Event\PersistenceEvents;
use Vox\Webservice\Factory\TransferManagerBuilder;
use Vox\Webservice\EventDispatcher;

//create the event dispatcher
$eventDispatcher = new EventDispatcher();

//register the listsner
	new ExampleListener()
//register the event dispatcher
$managerBuilder = new TransferManagerBuilder();