PHP code example of voryx / pgasync

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download voryx/pgasync library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


voryx / pgasync example snippets

$client = new PgAsync\Client([
    "host" => "",
    "port" => "5432",
    "user"     => "matt",
    "database" => "matt"

$client->query('SELECT * FROM channel')->subscribe(
    function ($row) {
    function ($e) {
        echo "Failed.\n";
    function () {
        echo "Complete.\n";

$client = new PgAsync\Client([
     "host" => "",
     "port" => "5432",
     "user"     => "matt",
     "database" => "matt",
     "auto_disconnect" => true //This option will force the client to disconnect as soon as it completes.  The connection will not be returned to the connection pool.


$client->executeStatement('SELECT * FROM channel WHERE id = $1', ['5'])
        function ($row) {
        function ($e) {
            echo "Failed.\n";
        function () {
            echo "Complete.\n";

$client = new PgAsync\Client([
     "host" => "",
     "port" => "5432",
     "user"     => "matt",
     "database" => "matt"

    ->subscribe(function (\PgAsync\Message\NotificationResponse $message) {
        echo $message->getChannelName() . ': ' . $message->getPayload() . "\n";
$client->query("NOTIFY some_channel, 'Hello World'")->subscribe();

$client->query("SELECT * FROM table1")->subscribe(...);
$client->query("SELECT * FROM table2")->subscribe(...);
$client->query("SELECT * FROM table3")->subscribe(...);

$client->query("INSERT INTO invoices(inv_no, customer_id, amount) VALUES('1234A', 1, 35.75)")->subscribe(...);
$client->query("SELECT SUM(amount) AS balance FROM invoices WHERE customer_id = 1")->subscribe(...);

$insert = $client->query("INSERT INTO invoices(inv_no, customer_id, amount) VALUES('1234A', 1, 35.75)");
$select = $client->query("SELECT SUM(amount) AS balance FROM invoices WHERE customer_id = 1");
