PHP code example of vondrasoft / xml-serializer

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download vondrasoft/xml-serializer library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


vondrasoft / xml-serializer example snippets


use XmlSerializer\Factory\ElementCollectionFactory;
use XmlSerializer\Inspector\CollectionInspector;
use XmlSerializer\Serializer\XmlSerializer;
use XmlSerializer\XmlSerializerManager;

$input = [
        'name' => 'test',
        'value' => [
                'cdata' => true,
                'name' => 'element',
                'attributes' => [
                        'name' => 'param1',
                        'value' => 'value1',
                        'name' => 'param2',
                        'value' => 'value2',
                'value' => [
                        'name' => 'element1',
                        'attributes' => [
                                'name' => 'param',
                                'value' => '10',
                        'value' => 'serializer',

$manager = new XmlSerializerManager(new XmlSerializer(), new CollectionInspector());

echo $manager->getXmlFromArray($input);

use XmlSerializer\Factory\ElementCollectionFactory;
use XmlSerializer\Serializer\XmlSerializer;

$inputXml = '
        <brand code="xx">Xexe</brand>
        <data code="dataset">
            <model type="string">BestModel</model>

$serializer = new XmlSerializer();

$collection = $serializer->deserialize($inputXml);

// collections implements JsonSerializable interface, so you can transform to json them easily
echo json_encode($collection);

use XmlSerializer\Collection\ElementCollection;
use XmlSerializer\Factory\ElementCollectionFactory;
use XmlSerializer\Model\Element;
use XmlSerializer\Serializer\XmlSerializer;

$collection = new ElementCollection();

$firstElement = (new Element('firstElement'))->setValue('firstValue');
$secondElement = (new Element('secondElement'))->setValue('secondValue');


$xmlCollection = new ElementCollection();
$rootElement = (new Element('main'))->setElements($collection);

$serializer = new XmlSerializer();

$output = $serializer->serialize($xmlCollection);

echo $output;

use XmlSerializer\Factory\ElementCollectionFactory;
use XmlSerializer\Inspector\CollectionInspector;
use XmlSerializer\Serializer\XmlSerializer;

$inputXml = '
        <brand code="xx">Xexe</brand>
        <data code="dataset">
            <model type="string">BestModel</model>

$serializer = new XmlSerializer();

$collection = $serializer->deserialize($inputXml);

$inspector = new CollectionInspector($collection);

// will print "BestModel"
echo $inspector->getElementByPath('')->getValue();

use XmlSerializer\Factory\ElementCollectionFactory;
use XmlSerializer\Inspector\CollectionInspector;
use XmlSerializer\Serializer\XmlSerializer;

$inputXml = '

$serializer = new XmlSerializer();

$collection = $serializer->deserialize($inputXml);

$inspector = new CollectionInspector($collection);

// will print "first"
echo $inspector->getElementByPath('notepad.param[0]')->getValue();

// will print "second"
echo $inspector->getElementByPath('notepad.param[1]')->getValue();

// will print "two"
echo $inspector->getElementByPath('notepad.param[2].note[1]')->getValue();

use XmlSerializer\Inspector\CollectionInspector;
use XmlSerializer\Serializer\XmlSerializer;
use XmlSerializer\XmlSerializerManager;

$inputXml = '

$manager = new XmlSerializerManager(new XmlSerializer(), new CollectionInspector());

// you can call serializer methods by getSerializer ...
$collection = $manager->getSerializer()->deserialize($inputXml);

// but you can use it directly on the manager level
$array = $manager->getArrayFromXml($inputXml);

// will print the same array, like calling $collection->toArray();

// you can get json from xml and etc.. getXmlFromArray, getXmlFromJson, getArrayFromXml
$json = $manager->getJsonFromXml($inputXml);

//you can use inspector from manager by call
$inspector = $manager->getCollectionInspector();

// you must set the collection if you are using dependency injection without inject collection to constructor

$element = $inspector->getElementByPath('....');
  <element param1="value1" param2="value2">
    <![CDATA[<element1 param="10">serializer</element1>]]>