PHP code example of volux / dom

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download volux/dom library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


volux / dom example snippets

use volux\Dom;

$htmlResult = new Dom\Html();

$htmlResult->title('Google News Test');

        ->each(function ($node, $index) use ($htmlResult) {
                    ->append('span')->text(($index + 1) . ': ')
                    ->append('a')->attr('href', $node->parent()->attr('href'))->text($node->text());

echo $htmlResult;

use volux\Dom;


/* each tags with class="content" will be transformed and replaced */

use volux\Dom;

$form = new Dom\Form();
    ->fieldSet('Group 1')
                ->  ->label('Select item')
            ->input('0a0b0c0d', 'hidden')->name('token')
    ->fieldSet('Group 2')
            ->radio('choose', array('r'=>'Red', 'g'=>'Green', 'b'=>'Blue'))
            ->textarea('', array('name'=>'desc'))->label('Description')
                ->help('Input short description about it', 'help-block')
    ->checkbox('confirm', array('Confirm'))
            ->buttonSubmit('Send as GET')
                ->addClass('btn btn-primary')
            ->buttonSubmit('Send as POST')
                ->addClass('btn btn-success')

$html = new Dom\Html();
    ->root()->attr(array('lang' => 'en'));
    ->meta(array('charset' => Html::ENCODING))
    ->title('volux\Dom\Form Test')
        ->append('div')->attr('class', 'row')
            ->append('div')->attr('class', 'span4 offset1')
                ->append($form) /* point to add builded form to main html */

echo $html;

use volux\Dom;

$html = new Dom\Html();
    ->root()->attr('lang', 'en');
    ->meta(array('charset' => 'utf-8'))
        'http-equiv' => 'X-UA-Compatible',
        'content'    => 'IE=edge,chrome=1',
        'name'    => 'viewport',
        'content' => 'user-scalable=no, width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1',
    ->title('volux\Dom\Html Test')

$navBarInner = $html
        ->a('header', array('class' => 'navbar navbar-fixed-top'))
            ->a('div', array('class' => 'navbar-inner'))
                ->a('a', array(
                        'class' => 'brand image',
                        'href'  => '/',
                        'title' => 'volux\Dom\Html Test')
                    ->append('<strong>volux\Dom\Html Test</strong>')
                ->a('ul', array('class' => 'nav'))
                    ->a('li', array('class' => 'divider-vertical'), false)

    ->addClass('some test content') /* for example */
    ->removeClass('test some') /* for example */
            ->attr('class', 'p3')
            ->append('1. Text with <em>entity</em> &copy;<br>and ')
                ->append('<a href="#"><i class="icon-2"> </i>valid xml </a>')
                ->append(' And<br>any more text.')
            ->append('Value with<br><span class=test>not valid xml');

echo $html;
* you can use $navBarInner for add some element later:
* for example $navBarInner->load($templateDir.'menu.html')
* or $navBarInner->a('ul', array('class' => 'nav'))
*     ->l('li', array(
*      	  array('>' => 'a', 'First', 'href' => '/item1'),
*      	  array('>' => 'a', 'Second', 'href' => '/item2'),
*     ));